Built for ladies who’ve got places to go and miles to pedal, the Dakine Women’s Drafter 14L Hydration Pack is a great way to keep all your backup repair tools on hand for when a tire pops or you need to make an on-trail adjustment. Designed specifically for females, the Drafter comes bundled with a 3L Hydrapak lumbar reservoir and accompanying Blaster bite valve, so during a rowdy uphill push you won’t have to stop to get some much-need thirst quenching. Designated tool storage and a bevy of zippered internal pockets yield plenty of secure storage for your car key, snacks, phone and a trail map. Plus, the pack is compatible with Dakine’s Impact CE-certified spine protector (not included), so you can add on some extra protection if you like stepping up to the next-level, but want to mitigate risk in the process.
The changes in estrogen and progesterone that come along with the menstrual cycle affect plasma volume and reduce the ability to hit high intensities. These are physiological truths that are addressed in the scientifically-developed Osmo Nutrition Preload Hydration for Women. Designed for use before intense efforts, ultra-endurance events, or exercise in hot conditions, this mix counteracts hormone-induced drops in body water, increases performance during hotter exercises, and maximizes sustained power while improving recovery afterwards.
Osmo preload hydration for women was developed specifically for female athletes and to be used prior to hot events time trials long duration and. High intensity efforts preload for women. Increases your total body water and plasma volume supplies key buffering. Agents for anaerobic and aerobic metabolism and has branched chain amino. Acids to delay fatigue and expand total. Body water we all know that during exercise your working muscles produce. Heat and your body temperature rises when your body temperature gets above 103 degrees Fahrenheit your body systems. Become compromised resulting in a precipitous drop in power and performance what you may not know is that when an athlete begins to feel thirsty she’s already at around a 2%. Body water loss which can result in an. 11 percent decrease in top-end power your body works to regulate increasing. Core temperature by moving blood to the skin and offloading heat through sweating for cooling to work though you need to maintain a balance of fluid in your body so you can sweat properly and maintain your plasma volume in hot. Environments and during high-intensity efforts water loss through fast breathing and sweating can be so rapid that it becomes impossible to replace fluids fast enough to maintain your optimal body water this drop in body. Water and the related rise in your core temperature hurts performance fortunately you can prepare for this by. Hyper hydrating which means going into. An event with extra body water keeping dehydration and it’s related performance losses at bay that’s where osmo preload. For women comes in female athletes face. Greater challenges with regard to body water and sodium losses in these environments simply because estrogen shifts fluid from the blood dropping. Plasma volume by 8% and progesterone. Decreases sodium in the body which also reduces the fluid women need to cool the. Core and to get blood to working muscles. There are three primary things that osmo. Preload for women does to improve the performance of female athletes first the. Sodium and extra fluid in preload for women increases plasma volume and sodium. Stores which in turn increase heart stroke volume and blood circulation this. Increased circulation allows your blood. To go both to working muscles and to the surface to dissipate heat with greater. Blood volume your muscles can metabolize properly and heat can dissipate from your skin at the same time second since. An athlete starts an event in a hyper hydrated state she has more total body water to support the body’s thermo regulation system effectively slowing. The rate that her core temperature rises which slows fatigue and enables her to. Maintain power third the branch chain. Amino acids in preload for women helps. Delay central nervous system fatigue and expand total body water these amino. Acids also set up the body to have an elevated amino acid profile towards the. End of exercise reducing the muscle breakdown effects of progesterone and jump-starting muscle synthesis a key. Aspect of rapid recovery in short using. Osmo preload hydration for women before strenuous exercise sets the body up for. Success by boosting sodium stores. Maximizing blood volume and circulation and reducing central nervous system fatigue finally the addition of branched. Chain amino acids help reduce the breakdown effect of progesterone by circulating amino acids which allow you to recover more quickly.
Osmo pre-load hydration for women was specifically developed for use by female athletes prior to hot events time trials long duration and high intensity efforts. Preload increases total body water and. Plasma volume supplies key buffering agents for anaerobic and aerobic metabolism and has the addition of branched chain amino acids to jumpstart recovery as well as help with total body. Water expansion during exercise body. Temperature rises due to the heat produced from working muscles when body. Temperature rises above 103 degrees Fahrenheit many of the body systems are compromised resulting in a precipitous drop in power and performance for example when an athlete begins to feel thirsty she is already at around a two. Percent body water loss which can result in eleven percent decrease in top-end power to maintain proper function the. Body works to regulate core temperature by moving blood to the skin and offloading heat through vasodilation and evaporative cooling or sweating this. System is effective but requires continual replenishment of the body water required for perspiration and plasma volume in hot environments and or. During high-intensity efforts body water loss through respiration and perspiration can be so rapid that it becomes impossible to replace fluids fast enough to maintain optimal body water deficits and the. Related rise in the body’s core temperature adversely affects exercise performance fortunately we can prepare. By hyper hydrating effectively going into an event with extra body water keeping dehydration and it’s related performance losses at bay that’s where ozma preload for women comes in female. Athletes face greater challenges with regard to body water and sodium losses elevated concentrations of estrogen and. Progesterone drop resting plasma volume by eight percent and increase total body sodium losses starting exercise with a. Reduced plasma volume as well as reduced total body sodium stores women are apt. To lose power due to reduce blood circulation sooner than their male counterparts. There are three primary things that ozma preload for women does to improve the performance of female athletes first the. Sodium plus fluid load of ozma preload for women increases plasma volume and. Sodium stores which in turn increases stroke volume and total volume of blood circulating this increased circulation. Reduces the compromised blood usually makes in hot conditions to go to the working muscles or to the surface to dissipate heat with greater blood volume. Both metabolism of the muscles and heat dissipation at the skin surface can occur effectively second since an. Athlete starts an event in a hyper hydrated state she is a greater amount of total body water to increase the effectiveness of the body’s thermoregulation system effectively slowing the rate of core temperature rise which slows fatigue and power decline third the addition of branched. Chain amino acids or bcaa’s in preload. For women helps delay central nervous system fatigue and expand total body water the baas also set up the body to. Have an elevated amino acid profile towards the end of exercise reducing the breakdown effects of progesterone and jump-starting muscle synthesis a key aspect of rapid recovery to conclude. Using ozma preload hydration for women sets the body up for success during exercise by boosting sodium stores expanding plasma volume to maximize. Blood volume and circulation and reducing central nervous system oriented fatigue the addition of baas help. Reduce the breakdown effective progesterone by increasing circulating amino acids kick-starting recovery right away.
Montana’s capital has an endless supply of outdoor activities for you to enjoy, so it only makes sense for you to bring along the pack that bears its name. The CamelBak Women’s Helena 20 Hydration Backpack offers a clean, simple aesthetic without sacrificing much-needed storage space on your adventures in hotter weather.
From the forests to the mountains, the heavy-duty nylon construction is built to withstand navigating through tight trees and getting tossed to the ground, while the breathable air mesh backpanel ensures a lightweight, comfortable fit in hot and humid conditions. The women’s-specific design features a short back panel and S-curved harness for a close, conforming fit so keep your focus on the trail, and its load-bearing hipbelt evens out the weight for a stable ride over rocky terrain. The 2.5 liter Crux reservoir holds enough water for five-hour hikes in the summer months, and is complemented by the side water bottle pockets for when you’d rather be safe than sorry.
The haling 22 and daystar 18 are to de. Packs from the camel back hike collections that are specifically designed for women both feature a. Ergonomically shaped s-curve shoulder harnesses and shorter torso lengths to provide a better fit for women the hellena 22 is equipped with 19 liters of. Cargo capacity four-point compression tool attachments and a three liter. Antidote reservoir with quick link the daystar 18 has 16 litres of cargo. Capacity side compression and a 2 liter. Antidote reservoir both feature air. Channel back panels for increased ventilation removable waist belts for varying terrain and hike essentials organise your pockets for all your outdoor needs as with all of our products the hellena 22 and daystar 18. Are backed by our got your bak lifetime guarantee if we build it well back.
I’m julie wiskirchen post the camelbak haling 22 is a woman’s hydration. Backpack that works well for short jobs. With the family off trail excursions and longer day hikes the women’s specific. Design of the haling 22 includes a shorter torso length and narrower. S-shaped shoulder straps the exterior is. Made of polyurethane coated nylon ripstop fabric with a durable water repellent finish both the mesh padded. Back panel and padded shoulder straps provide air channel cooling the generous main compartment gives you easy access to 19 litres of carrying capacity and a. 3 liter 100 fluid ounce antidote hydration reservoir the reservoir has hydro guard technology which helps. Prevent bacterial growth in the reservoir and tube in the big bite valve self seals up tight after each sip you. Take the front panel pocket in multiple. Smaller pockets keep you well organized if you’re trailing thirsty little ones along these handy side mesh pockets store extra water bottles and four-point. Compression straps at both load stability and extra carrying capacity it’s the hiking and biking companion that will keep you organized hydrated and adventure ready the camel back haling. 22 women’s hydration backpack get yours. Today at sierra trading post.
Get the recovery nutrition that matches your physiology and feel the difference in your performance with the Osmo Nutrition Acute Recovery for Women 16 Serv Tub. Women’s recovery physiology is largely influenced by the menstrual cycle, which results in progesterone and estrogen inhibiting muscle repair and glycogen restoration, making the recovery period critical. Osmo Acute Recovery for Women addresses these physiological realities and helps you make the most of your workout by getting your body stronger and working more efficiently quickly, while also accelerating the replacement of glycogen.
Osmo acute recovery for women maximizes your ability to recover quickly by giving your body the right nutrients after a training session to stop the body’s exercise-induced stressors and start the recovery process exercise. Stresses the body and one of the outcomes of this stress is damaged muscle fibers when you stop exercising the body goes into recovery mode and. Begins to repair the damage caused by exercise proper recovery leads to. Training adaptations which is how the body becomes stronger faster and more efficient to maximize the benefits of exercise you have to help the catabolic. Or breakdown effect as soon as possible after exercise thereby rapidly shifting. Into recovery and providing the body with what it needs to repair and adapt recovery is the most overlooked but one. Of the more important parts of training moreover the first 30 minutes after training is the golden window to tap. Into muscle fiber repair and realize the adaptations you’re working hard to achieve although recovery will happen over time if you consume specific. Nutrients when your body needs them you’ll maximize recovery and reap the. Benefits of adaptations more quickly women face unique challenges when it comes to post exercise recovery one of. The most significant fact is that the recovery window for women is shorter than for men women have 90 minutes to maximize nutrients for recovery whereas. Men have three hours qui elevated. Concentrations of progesterone inhibit muscle synthesis and women which means. Women have a harder time repairing muscle and gaining the training adaptations they’re working hard to achieve furthermore estrogen in the blood reduces carbohydrate uptake reducing the body’s ability to maximize. And restore glycogen the other key factor in recovery. The three most important components of. The acute recovery phase are shifting. From exercise mode to recovery by shutting down the bodies break down respond taking in protein to facilitate. Muscle repair and restoring the body’s. Glycogen stores here’s how osmo acute. For women tackles each of these areas. Cosmo acute has a proprietary ratio of. Glucose whey protein isolate and my similar casein to help restore glycogen and create new muscle cells osmo acute. Uses whey and casein to key milk. Proteins proven by science to halt the catabolic effect on the muscles which is the first part of the acute recovery phase osmo acute also supplies the. Nutrients necessary to facilitate muscle repair the second part of the acute. Recovery phase in terms of protein whey. Is quickly absorbed encasing is a slower. Release protein so muscles have access to amino acids for repair over several. Hours cosmo acute for women as well. Includes a small amount of caffeine peer-reviewed science makes clear that ingesting a small amount of caffeine with protein and carbohydrate increases. The rate of glycogen recovery by sixty-six percent when compared to. Recovery formulas with just carbohydrates and proteins in short the. Combination of protein carbohydrates and caffeine in osmo acute for women is the. Most effective option for rapid muckle. Reparation and glycogen restoration and all of this is based on science which is. Why we can say the osmo acute for women is the most effective after exercise formula you can consume as a female athlete leading to better recovery. Increased training adaptations and better overall performance because if. You train hard you need to recover hard.
As the mid-sized option in Gregory’s mountain biking-specific collection, the Women’s Amasa 10 Hydration Backpack is your best bet for half-day rides. It can hold hydration reservoirs as large as three liters, and there’s still space for snacks, layers, and essential tools and a spare tube. Gregory’s Shift RS suspension system includes light foam with spacer mesh that assures the utmost ventilation, and the padded waist belt moves with your hips for long-lasting comfort.
The perfect saturday singletrack companion, the Osprey Sylva 12L Backpack goes right from the gear closet to the trailhead with everything you might need for a full day in the saddle. Thanks to the AirSpeed suspension system and BioStretch shoulder harness, the Sylva is streamlined and comfortable on the back while being highly functional and supportive at the same time. An included Hydraulics 2.5L reservoir ensures that water is never far from reach, while the integrated high-visibility raincover keeps your pack and gear dry on your ride from start to finish. It also features a simple helmet carrier to free up internal space, as well as a multitude of zippered pockets, inside and out, to keep all of your tools, tubes, snacks, maps, and tunes organized.
Bring along just the bare essentials with you on your next trail run with the Osprey Packs Dyna 6 Hydration Pack. Designed on the idea that less is more, this true vest-pack provides bounce-free stability and utilitarian comfort whether you’re pounding the pavement or navigating wooded trails. Rugged nylon construction holds up against close encounters with harsh boulders and snagging branches, while the included Hydraulics 1.5L reservoir with attached hose and sternum magnet frees up your hands for easy drinking when you’re in the middle of an intense hill climb. The zippered main compartment and multiple pockets make sure you bring along your gloves, hat, headlamp, and any energy-boosting snacks you might need during your outing.
A beacon of light in an otherwise over-saturated backpack market, the CamelBak Women’s Luxe LR 14 Hydration Pack offers dependable hydration and storage for all of your mountain biking needs. The Luxe LR features a lower center of gravity, which provides you with a more stable ride and well-balanced fit.
The Luxe is equipped with a streamlined silhouette that’s more than adept at navigating narrow trails. Meanwhile, the stabilizing and load-bearing hip belt keeps the Luxe close to your backside, so you can forget about the pack sloshing around as you ride. An Airfoil back panel promotes maximum ventilation when things begin to heat up, and the included rain cover shields your gear from incoming weather. Not to mention, the included water reservoir makes it easy to stay hydrated when you’re on the trail, and the Magnetic Tube Trap keeps your hydration within quick reach and secure, so you continue pedal pushing in comfort.
As the mid-sized option in Gregory’s mountain biking-specific collection, the Women’s Amasa 10 Hydration Backpack is your best bet for half-day rides. It can hold hydration reservoirs as large as three liters, and there’s still space for snacks, layers, and essential tools and a spare tube. Gregory’s Shift RS suspension system includes light foam with spacer mesh that assures the utmost ventilation, and the padded waist belt moves with your hips for long-lasting comfort.
Ready to ride with you, the Gregory Women’s Avos 15 Hydration Backpack has your back covered with the space and support necessary to keep up with your obsessive bike habit in all seasons. While this pack can do it all, it does have a streamlined, bike-specific construction that’s tailored towards longer, rougher days in the saddle. Starting with the adjustable Shift RS (Ride Stability) suspension system, this pack’s hipbelt can be adjusted vertically to ride higher or lower on your back for bounce-free performance on rocky trails, while the EVAP moisture-wicking tech in the backpanel and shoulder straps lock down cool, breathable comfort as you battle uphill sections.
Keeping water consistently close at hand, Gregory included a 3D Hydro reservoir that uses soft-molded QuickDry technology for an anatomical fit on your back, and comes with a magnetically-linked DryLock bite valve for easy sipping. The magnetic sternum strap can be buckled with one hand for on-the-go fit adjustments, while the safety light lash attaches your bike lights for night or urban riding. Rounding things out, a multitude of zippered pockets—along with bike-dedicated organizers for your tire and shock pumps, spare tubes, and energy bars—make sure that all of your mountain bike essentials are safely coming along for the ride.
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