Now we’ll check it out over here boy wasn’t down 10 seconds wow that’s a nice. One Oh beauty guess. It pays to change spots over the other 30 seconds dropped. And there you know. If a hole goes dead. You don’t have any lines on your hummingbird go to. Another hole I drilled lots of holes out here today let’s go check out what’s in them portable electronics are mobile scouting tools at interpret structural shape depth changes bottom content. And cover to help locate prime fishing locations in quick fashion good electronics also reveal the presence depth. And activity of fish. They enable you to present lures at the proper depth level. And to judge fish activity. And response altering your lure style. Or motion as needed today we’re using hummingbird zeiss 55 a portable ice fishing unit that’s loaded with features designed to help. You catch fish first off. It has a choice of wide. And narrow transducer angles the narrow 9 degree cones is best for detecting fish in our near bottom.
And deep water directly beneath your hole the broader 19 degree cone angles works better in shallower water providing an expanded view out to the side of your hole it’s also great for detecting fish. That are suspended high in the water column the ice 55 lets. You select from a range of depths to provide the best overall view of what lies below at. That point you can zoom in on the level of the fish creating an expanded view of the precise depth. Where fish are present zoom in on the bottom 4 basin hugging fish. Or adjust your zoom to scan mid depth levels for suspended fish like crappies the expanded detail. Provided by the zoom feature helps. You position and work your lures for maximum effectiveness, so I’ll hit zoom.
And select dial between. These two ticks here is the zoom period. You can see how jubes in the bait makes. It twice as large there. We go the ice 55s back light feature enhances viewing of screen details during low-light conditions. Or at night the adjustable color palette can be customized for comfortable. And effective viewing. That feels like a better. One here all right feisty oh. What a beauty you know no matter. What you fish for crappies perch blue gills late ice can be. Some of the best fishing of the year.
Idropped the transducer from the hummingbird in the hole to see. If there’s any fish. If there’s no fish white fish there move to the holes. That have fish I need to get a hot hi I’m Brian rose darlin I’m onna northern Minnesota Lake ice fishing and. Iget to a chance to test the hummingbird ice fishing unit. Most people don’t associate hummingbird with ice fishing but. They soon will this thing’s great let. Me explain some things to. This is a flasher but it’s got an LCD readout in the middle. And at my fingertips is. All the information. It shows how deep it is there’s no confusing numbers. You have three different color palettes so. You can choose from a lot of different colors. You can go three colors. Or six colors the nice thing about six colors is. You can get real detailed. Ilike to see the gradual taper to smaller moving the smallest red being the brightest. All the spectrum in between. Ilike to see the change in the fish size. And the size of the bait in the water. Everything in the water column has a size. This helps you sort. It out really fast I want to see. What the where the plankton is.
Where the minerals are. Where the fish are that’s. Ican approach the fish. Ican come in and drop. It to the right zone. Where they’re feeding not just. Where they’re sitting oh there’s a jumbo perch there’s a nice perch. Iwas able to see this using the six colors watching him come in red underneath my lure. When Laura was green the red fish came in. Ican see that there’s a fish there. And there’s my work. And the bottom shows up as red 28 feet of water right here. You could see what angle of beam I’ve got I’ve got. It on a white angle. Icould hit it right here. And go to narrow beam of course I’m in 28 feet. And then it’s only got.
One set of numbers the scale. That you’re at and winter flasher units. Ilike the zoom function on a hummingbird. You could dial any part of the water column. And zoom in twice as detailed so. You can see up close. What the fish are really doing if they’re moving around. If they’re holding still. You zoom in and it’s separate. You know it’s bait fish using the zoom is great to determine what’s down there well here’s a little tips on how to set the target line here’s the target line. Ilike to use that to set. Where I’ve been catching the fish right about there. You just hit and then I’m gonna put. It right here where the fish are hitting down I’m turning it’ll show.
You the depth or the target language there’s my target line. Icould drop my load to. It every time don’t be selfish. Ilike a little white deep water that’s so important. You can see what the rounder without drilling too. Many holes are disturbing are. You go to narrow beam so great underneath. It fishes is underneath the narrow beam. And ready to go there’s no fish on the screen here. It in zoom mode so I can look at. It of course yes oh look at. This that’s this is great for viewing in daylight plus the snow doesn’t collect time that’s. What I like about it there’s a lot of different features. That really help you out I’ve been changing from wide beam to narrow beam. That zoom mode is just gray straight up. Icould watch it comes right in Wow the beauty bags down here as. You can see a flat screen on a bright day like today. And showing up perfect right there 32 there. We go Wow a subtle hook set is. You need oh nice graphic say.
What these are beautiful fish anywhere watching. That on the LCD screen. Ican see what depth. They can pick which ones. That were down low at 36. Ididn’t want one of the ones up higher those are the active ones man they’re hitting hard that’s the last fish. Idon’t need too you know. This hummingbird really helped. Me catch a nice fish today. You should go out and get a hummingbird as soon as possible it’ll help. You have success like.
Idropped a transducer from the hummingbird in the hole to see. If there’s any fish. If there’s no fish white fish there move to the holes. That have fish I need to give it a hot hi I’m Brian Rose dollar I’m on northern Minnesota Lake bass fishing and. Iget to a chance to test the hummingbird ice fishing unit. Most people don’t associate hummingbird a flasher but it’s got an LCD readout in the middle. And at my fingertips is. All the information. It shows how deep it is there’s no confusing numbers. You have three different color palettes so. You can choose from a lot of different colors. You can go three colors. Or six colors the nice thing about six colors is. You can get real detailed. Ilike to see the gradual taper to smaller moving the smallest red being the brightest. All respective in between. Ilike to see the change in the fish size. And the size of the bait in the water. Everything in the water column has a size. This helps you sort. It out really fast I want to see. What the where the plankton is. Where the minerals are. Where the fish are that’s. Ican approach the fish. Ican come in and drop. It to the right zone. Where they’re feeding not just. Where they’re sitting well there’s a jumbo perch there’s a nice virgin. Iwas able to see this using the six colors watching him come in red underneath my lord was green the red fish came in.
Ican see that there’s a fish there. And there’s my work. And the bottom shows up as red 28 feet of water right here. You could see what angle of beam I’ve got I’ve got. It on a white angle. Iget hit it right here. And go to narrow beam of course I’m at 28 feet. And then it’s only got. One set of numbers the scale. That you’re at and winter plaster units. Ilike the zoom function on a hummingbird. You could dial any part of the water column. And zoom in twice as detailed so. You can see up the flow so. What the fish are really doing if they’re moving around. If they’re holding still can. You zoom in and it’s separate. You know the bait fish using the zoom is great to determine what’s down there well here’s a little tip to learn. How to set the target line here’s the target line. Ilike to use that the Senate to.
Where I’ve been catching the fish right up there just hit. And then I’m gonna put. It right here where the fish are kidding I’m turning it’ll show. You the depth of where the target — there’s my target line. Icould drop my order to. It every time don’t disrupt the fish right deep water that’s so important. You can see what’s around are. You go narrow beam underneath the narrow beam he’s ready to go there’s no fish on the screen here. It in zoom mode so I can change. It from wide beam to narrow beam wearing. That zoom mode is just a straight up. Ican watch it comes right in Wow beauty here as. You can see a flat screen on a bright day like today. And showing up perfect.
Igotcha right there 32 there. We go Wow the subtle hook said is. You need no nice graphic say. What these are beautiful fish anywhere watching. That on the LCD screen. Ican see what deaf do is. They can pick which ones. Iwanted ones who were down low in 36. Ididn’t want one of the ones up higher those are the active ones man they’re hitting hard that’s the last fish. Idon’t need too you know. This hummingbird really helped. Me catch a nice fish today. You should go out and get a hummingbird as soon as possible it’ll help. You have success like.
All right guys, so I’m going to show. How to use the hummingbird ice 35i slasher today. This is kind of hands-on review of how. It works so this knob down here. You can see that there’s a 1 to 4. And a 10 X those are your depth scales so. These really aren’t. That hard to use you twist. This knob to the 1x scale. You can see that I’m not actually getting anything other. These little colored marks right here so with my. One time depth scale it’s just going to go to about 20 feet so since I’m not seeing any red. That I’m not actually reaching the bottom with. That depth scale so. Ineed to go to the second depth scale. Or the 2 time depth scale. And right there you can see. That I’m still not getting any red marks on here a red mark is a strong signal return so. It represents the bottom so since I’m not seeing the red anywhere on the screen. Ineed to go to the next depth scale which is 4 x so. That 4 X you can see. Ihave a bunch of red here so.
That represents the bottom. And I’m on the 4x depth scale so. Each of these numbers around here correlate to the depth scale on your dial so the outer ring is the. One time depth scale the yellow ring is the two time depth scale so. We went to the 4 time depth scale so it’s. This inner ring right here so. You can see that the numbers there were about 50 feet 48 feet of water at the bottom. You were to see any green yellow. Or red hash marks anywhere in. This part of the screen over here those would represent fish. You can turn up the sensitivity. Or the gain with this knob right here. It defaults to the gain so as. You rotate this blue that’s increasing so. Iknow I’m turning up my sensitivity it’s beeping at. Ican’t make more sensitive so. Ican turn the sensitivity down.
And make it less sensitive the next button down is the zoom button so. Ican zoom anywhere in the water column right here so. Ihit zoom these little white hash marks appear so. Now I’m zooming between those little white hash marks. If that’s not the area. Iwant to zoom you actually hit zoom. And then you rotate the dial so. You can see these white hash marks are you’re zooming in between those hash marks so that’s the part of the water column. That you’re zooming in on so for example. Iwanted to zoom I wanted to get to zoom right off at the bottom. Iwould hit zoom then. Iwould rotate this dial. Now I’m zooming between here but. Iwant to zoom at the bottom, so I’m gonna rotate. More time and there.
You see the red there’s the bottom so. Now I’m zooming between. This white mark and the bottom so let’s get out of them I’ll hit the zoom button again next button down is the gain. We already went through. That noise if you’re fishing other flashers in a proximity sometimes. You can get interference between the two flashers so. You hit the noise button. And then you can change. You can rotate this dial. It will change the frequency at which its emitting its sonar waves so. That way you can kind of tune out the interference from other ice flashers the bottom button here says beam. You can switch this to be kind of wider cone angle. Or a wider beam it can be. Narrower so there’s narrow little blue line that’s our 9 degree cone. And the 19 degree cone is represented by the thicker blue line so that’s a quick look at the hummingbird ice 35. Ireally like this flasher so far. This I’ve only had two. Or three outings with. Ican’t really speak to the longevity of the unit but pretty easy to use.
Some good features for the money so. One other thing I wanted to mention. You guys watch my ice fishing videos. This flasher looking a lot different. Now it’s because I’m filming this with a different camera. And depending on what camera. You pointed these things the light frequency that’s emitted is a little bit different so don’t freak out. If on my ice fishing videos you’re trying to read the flasher. It doesn’t make any sense to. You whatsoever it’s. It actually looked a lot different in person. It looks like it does on. This video compared to the other videos again let’s do the light frequency not getting along well with the camera so thanks for watching subscribe to the channel.
And check out some good videos thanks guys.
This is the Velar pro pac-12. You say Pro pack you’re describing the case. That the FL 12 is mounted into so let’s first talk about. What makes the pro pack so very special the pro pack starts with its power supply a 12 volt 9 amp hour power supply. That extra amp hour of capacity gives. You much longer run time in the field. All pro packs come standard was a D 130 battery status indicator Pro packs have nice little features like a tackle box rod holder but the unique thing about the Pro Pack is the fact. That it’s round base allows. You to put it inside of a five-gallon bucket which is great for transport. Now let’s talk a little bit about the FL 12. What makes it so special well. Many times you think about the FL 12. You should be thinking about the FL 8. Because the FL 12 is the flat screen version of the FL 8. What makes a flat-screen version so superior to the regular cone version well the big advantage. You have is it has much better side visibility. When you’re looking through the little Sun hood. You have on the FL 8. You have to be pretty much looking straight on. This the larger viewing angle makes. It enjoyable for multiple anglers to watch your display. And that’s a lot of fun as well. What makes the FL 12 so special kind of starts with the Velar 3 color system.
You know the system. Where it’s green for weak signals then orange then red for the strongest signals which are the signals directly below. You well when you’re fishing in deeper water say 10 20 30 foot of water that’s not a problem but. You get super shallow say waters of less. Than 10 foot of water. Or you’re fishing in weeds for example often times setting the unit to its lowest gain setting isn’t enough. You have to get even lower in power. It has a built in low power mode well the FL 12 is like an FL 8 in. Many aspects 10 steps of interference rejection only two knobs very easy to operate ranges down to 200 feet very nice little system. It comes standard with a 12 degree ice deucer but. You can also get one of the new Velar tri beams. It works very well the FL 12 comes with the 2 year Velar warranty.
And it’s a great all-around unit to use by. All means it has a lot of great performance features but a lot of people think of. It as the flat-screen version of a Fla so. You may want to think of. That way and before. You buy your FL 12 you might want to consider. Some accessories. Because the FL 12 is. One of the best summer units to ever use. Because in shallow water. Or deep water the FL 12 will deliver the results. You need for fishing well you’ll want to get what’s called a TK Couture transducer kit it’s designed to fit in your boat so every spring you take. It out of your pro pack. It directly into your boat in the fall take. It out of your boat. It back into your pro pack. It comes with a gimbals bracket power cord. And a transducer of choice. Either get a puck train snus. You want to mount it on the bow of your boat. Or on the back of the boat. You have a fiberglass boat.
You can glas you can get a high-speed transducer. You have an aluminum hold but a teacake hit is a good accessory to make your Velar a year-round investment. And also to protect. That investment you should consider getting a soft pack the SP zero zero seven soft packs have a clear window on the front which enables. You to actually fish with the unit. Even in a blizzard it works really great so don’t forget. Now there are only two buttons to control with the FL 12 very simple. And easy to operate in minutes. You can be fishing but don’t be worried about. Because in each VEX law. You get you’ll have an instructional DVD. That walks you through. Everything you ever wanted to know about the system. How to take care of. It for example all pro packs come with a digital. One amp charger the best charger in the world well. You can actually leave your unit charged up.
And plugged into a wall. And charging all the time. You want and only disconnect. When you’re fishing this is the new state-of-the-art charger. It comes standard with your pro pack 12 so ladies. And gentlemen you want two of the best sonar system. You could ever have to get out there. And start catching fish remember. It comes water ready right out of the box the FLT visit. This is the Pro Pack 12 from Velar.
This is the FL 18 Pro packs from Velar the term Pro pack describes the case. That your FL 18 is mounted into so let’s first talk a little bit about the pro pack case it’s a very tough very rugged case but it’s designed to fit inside of a five-gallon bucket so. You have an ATV or snowmobile that’s great for transport inside of the five-gallon bucket. It comes standard with a 12-volt 9 amp hour high-capacity battery which is very nice. You can run this entire system for up to 3 days on a single charge so. That 9 amp hour battery is a very nice battery. It comes rewired with a quick charge jack plug. And then plug it rights into your wall socket. This is a 1 amp fully automatic digital charger. You cannot overcharge your battery with. One amp digital charger in fact. Many anglers like to plug. And leave it plugged in to make sure. They don’t drain their battery down.
You charge your battery regularly. It will last for many years. That little digital charger here is a big plus the unit also comes rewired with a D 130 battery status indicators to keep. You up to date with exactly. What the status of your battery is at. All times I do want to recommend. Whenever you’re not using your system. You make sure you disconnect. It from your battery to make sure. That the D 130 doesn’t drain. And weaken your battery needlessly. This system comes with a 12 degree ice deucer transducer. And the 12 degree is a good all-around performing transducer for the Velar family. It works extremely well the system also has nice features like a rod holder to hold your rod.
It comes with a nice tackle box. One of the nice things about. How tough and durable. It is for the compact profile of the pro pack case. This pro pack is one of Velar. Most revolutionary sonar systems. This is the FL 18 it’s so revolutionary. Because the FL 18 was the first unit to have the auto zoom feature the auto zoom feature allowed. You to zoom in on the bottom six foot of the water column well. That meant you were fishing in say 40. Or 60 foot of water resolution often time was very poor. Because the entire display had to show. All 60 feet but now with the out of zoom feature the screen is cut in half the bottom 6 foot is shown on the right side. And the entire rest of the column is shown on the other side so. What happens is you get the same resolution in 64 2 water. You were fishing in only 6 the auto zoom feature gives. You unbelievable resolution. And it’s open the eyes too. Many walleye and perch anglers.
Because those guys love those bottom hugging fish the FL 18 was the quantum breakthrough. And sonar technology. That made that happen, so we’re very excited about. What the FL 18 has done. It comes with 10 steps of interference rejection so that’s very nice. If you’re fishing around other anglers it’ll knock out the interference. It has a built in shallow water mode which is very nice and that’s. One of the nice things about the FL 18 is. You can use it in deep water with. That auto zoom feature looking at the bottom 6 foot but with. You go to very shallow water. It has a built-in low power mode already programmed into. When you’re in 10 foot of water. Or less hit the low power mode. And the signal is crisp. And sharp and clear in very shallow water so. It goes from the extreme shallow to extreme depths. This units good to 200 feet.
It works extremely well in deep water it’s a great all-around performing unit. Even has a bottom lock feature for summer applications as well. This is a great summer. And winter system but. You will find that the FL 18 is. One of the most versatile sonar systems. You could find and one of the. Most reliable it comes standard with a two-year warranty. This is the Pro Pack FL 18 from Velar.
Just put a little Oh back in the nose go hey guys. We got a couple months until ice fishing season. Icould not help myself so it’s day. Iwent out and picked myself up the new Markham lithium shuttle, so we’re gonna do a quick unboxing so. You can see what it looks like inside. And then I’ll take it out on the water tomorrow. And do a little review on. What we got so every. One of these are sealed shut lid pops off the heck of a smell coming out of. This thing no it is my guess. This is charger sweet. It got a pamphlet that talks about. It so the big thing with. This is they’re saying. It runs up to 40 hours the batter is actually smaller but. Because it’s lithium it’s got a lot longer last to. It recharges fast with. That included three amp power chargers that’s pretty sweet it’s got a battery status indicator LED lighting dual USB ports integrated cable storage. And grips includes dual rod holders inverted transducer rest eliminates freeze up includes a reversible transducer arm dual articulating handle locking spokes adjust to fit ice sonar systems easily assembly redrilled mounting holes to a fixed gimbals bracket. It safely stores the system in a five-gallon bucket so. This is unit looks freakin sweet. Icannot wait to put my look six on. Something that’s just. More stable I was always worried about. That soft plastic case. Ihave in Susan’s bag here so. This must be a part of the charger.
All hooks together let’s see. It doesn’t have a charge already oh we’re at 70 percent right off the bat so here’s the USB port. That lights up blue ink that’s gonna be nice and the dark. And then these little kind of screw holes here for accessories, so I’ve seen. Some phone connectors. That go on there as well. Some the GoPro holders which I’ll be using it for know. And here’s the rod holders in the back so it’s two rod holders. And then one was made for the transducer holder. This thing is sweet just got. Some screw knobs on the side. You could just and down what’s tang. This actually goes up too so. You can adjust like. You want ringing oh. That give it a little. More extra grip on there to hold. It at the big Nets that’s cool so.
This is new this year. And there’s selling a lot of units with. This already built in. Ireceived more expensive just. This itself is about 250 bucks. It with a coupon at Cabala’s. Some Cabala’s points so. Igot $20 off the coupon. And using Cabala’s visa to scoop up. Some other but thing looks pretty sweet I’m excited to use. It I’ll take it out tomorrow get. Some open water use with. That battery lasts and then after. It put a few times I’ll do a review on. It but I’m excited sweet.
Just put a little Oh back in the new scoffs. It that’s awesome sweet alright so. Iam doing a quick little review. How the Newark on shuttle works. It you’re in front of. Ijust wanted to give. You a quick glimpse of what I’m using so at least. We talk there’s something fun to watch on the screen order local reservoir just popping some Crabbies. They seem to be hitting pretty well tonight. You don’t see on the Markham. They are thick I just need to find the ones it’ll bite. Because it’s been that’s super fast but definitely not slow it’s not a bad night anyway so. This is the Markham shuttle. This is a new that came up with. Idid a quick unboxing on. Italked a little bit of. All its features and in different parts of. Iwant to get into its performance so the things. Ilike about oh there’s. On the things I will like about the shuttle is. This is the elect six that’s on there. And the Alex success. And before I had the shuttle. Ihad the Alex success in. That normal red bag. That bag when I’m walking around with the Markham. It feels like it could fall out at. Any moment you google Markham’s falling out of the bag there is a lot of information on people who have had. It simply just fall out. It is an awful feeling I’m sure to have such an expensive unit. And have it disappears on. You in a sense and check the screen. And break you know. All those different things. This platform it is rock-solid. Ifeel fantastic carrying this thing I don’t feel like it’s overexposed.
Iam a big fan of. It rights and its really working well for me I’ve had. It out with the mark of mahon right. Now for about I don’t know. Iwould say 45 minutes. And it’s gone down about five. Or six percent so it’s been doing an awesome job so far. You know they advertise. This thing is gonna last for 40 hours. Ican see that being possible in warm conditions. Idon’t know what it’d be like in cold conditions. Ididn’t really talk about in their packaging or on the website. Anything if that forty hours was in perfect. You know 75 degree heat. It was in that 10 degree range. Where a lot of ice fishing is done, so I’m sure. That forty hours would be hard to push to try to get. That much time out of. It but so far it’s doing so much better. Then the old battery, so I’m I’m feeling good about. That the other thing I want to mention is just the unit as a whole feels less heavy. Iknow lithium batteries weigh less so that’s part of.
Ithink the other thing too. This is with the way. These handles built man I’ve missed like ten fish on screen so in figure apart in the comments like. Iam NOT fishing very well right. Because I’m talking but no excuses anyways the handle on. This thing is so much. More user-friendly to carry. And the weight disproportion is better. Because nothing’s leaning towards the front like. That the old bag was so. Ijust feel like it’s its easier to carry. This unit then and the old Marcum was quick-release um. Ialso like the rod holders on. Me grab here’s a tickle stick we’ll stick. That in there I didn’t have. It in their just cuz. Iwant quick access to my net oh.
And it’s different with the open water fishing but it’s its super nice. Ihave zero issues with. They do swing on you there’s no lake a handle attachment. And you’d only put two in there which. They would have done. It up a little bit more but. It seems to do the trick so that’s nice. Ithink it’s gonna be awesome out on the ice that’s that’s such a huge benefit to be able to carry a couple rods with. You don’t always really know. How the fish down the hole is gonna react. You want some different colors. You know carry a jig. And a spoon and a ripping wrap. Or different things so it’s nice to be able to have. That option one thing. Ididn’t think was a little funky on. And I’ll show you quick is with the way. This transducer spool is right. It come out of this back handle. Idon’t think that maybe that’s not the way it’s supposed to be. It comes around the handle. And don’t like I don’t like. You wrap up your transducer.
Iwould guess it goes through the inside leave a comment. You have and you’ve got a better way of doing it then. How I’ve got it right. It feels a little bit janky. And that’s that’s not. These units supposed to feel so. Some advice on that let. Me know otherwise I think I’ll probably switch. That around I would guess. It will feel better after. All right what the hell is going on with. These grabbe’s this is my first time using this bait. Iknow it’s a very commonly used bait but I’ve never used. It out today I figured I’d try. This is also a brand-new rad for me. Ijust built this rod my first custom build so did a very basic just. All black threading so. Ikind of want to get the hang of. It but it’s a very touch sensitive rod. And not super site oriented which I’m used to on. Something like the tickle stick, so I’m gonna blame a learning to curve so inside the boat. You can see this as 61% down there on the screen which is really nice to have.
You could turn that light off. Idon’t think it always needs to be on but. And that’s fine whatever. You flip this toggle. All the way up don’t light comes on it’s quite a bit of light. Iplan on staying out here in the dark tonight, so we’ll see just. How well I haven’t used the holders. Yet for the GoPro simply. Idon’t have the attachment it’s not like. You just click in your GoPro. You have to have a screw in attachment which is. Something you can get with say the Amazon package of attachments for GoPro, so I’d like to try. And I’d also like to get a phone holder. Idon’t think my phone. We were super necessary but I’m wondering if. Ican hold other stuff in there so like I’d like to hold the GPS from there.
Iwould love to find a way to mount a pot holder a cup holder so. That a beverage can stick on. This thing because if anyone’s like. Me it’s I’ve always got. And it’s its nice to have. Something to carry that so those are things I’d like to do. If you’ve done there with yours lay a picture in the comments. Or tell what product. You used and we’ll share. Some information on how to modify. These things up a little bit. What they already are to make them. Even better well I’m not gonna talk anymore I’m just gonna try to catch a. Few fish and put them on camera for you but. You like the product. You like the video on. It go ahead and throw. It a lake or subscribe to the channel I’m gonna try to post a bunch of videos a new fishing gear. This year I plan on being poor. And just buying new things so it’s kind of what I do its kind of what I like to do but. Iappreciate everybody watching the video. And go out and have fun with.
Hey Andy walls here. One of the talk to you really quick about ice electronics. How they’re changing the new units are great. They have a ton of power they’re sending down a great signal we’re getting a really good read back which is awesome but the ever struggle is battery life. These things powered. All day a great new option is the Markham lithium shuttle. It got units on you got Baer shuttles. You have tons options with. These things power switch on. When you’re not using it. You can leave it off you’re not draining your battery as soon as. You turn we have a battery indicator tell. You right where you’re at. You also have a light. You can glow your jigs maybe check out your bobber it’s just a quick toggle it’s easy. You don’t have to have. You need it flips the switch you’re good to go the other cool thing about. This is right in here. We have two USB ports. You can charge things from. It maybe your tablet. Or your cell phone you’re on the water. If you’re using Navionics taking pictures. Or a GoPro if you’re doing a little bit of filming you can charge.
All from right here gives. You power longer this thing’s got the juice to do. It the cool thing about. This lithium shuttle in the back. You got two rod holders here for hole hoping you can hop around have. All your gear right here with. You in the transducer slot. It goes in upside down here the main reason is it’s not freezing down a lot of the cases before your transducer would sit down. It would freeze you’d ruin the bottom your transducer you’d rip your case up a little bit you’re an upside down it’s easy. And easy out and you’re good to go the other cool thing is it’s not just for Markham’s with. This cable right here yeah at a chit to. You can hook up power to a Velar Markum hummingbird.
Whatever you might prefer. Even a garment they’ll. All fit on here it’s just maybe. You know getting your gimbals bracket on but it’ll power them. All it’ll run them all for a long time make sure. You check out a mark on lithium shuttle. These things will give. You battery life longer. You need it’ll last. Than a day keep your unit’s going it’s definitely. Something you need to check out.
Everyone Fakir is Markum technologies in. This video we’re going to talk about the brand-new mark on lithium shuttle. This mark on lithium shuttle has an internal lithium battery that’s capable of up to 40 hours of use. It will fit most Markham systems. All of our flashers from VX 1i up so LX 3 LX 5 also the digital series LX 6 LX 7 LX 9 but. It will not work with the RT 9 so it’s an internal lithium battery a bracket to plug your unit into. And a power cable to plug into the back unit a simple on/off toggle switch so. It on my battery status indicator shows. That at 68% battery right. It will give me continuous updates of where my battery is at same thing if. It plugged in so my charging port is over here. Iuse the charger that came with. Ican go ahead and plug. It will show me my charge. Ihave as it’s charging as it’s going up. Ialso have an LED light. Ican flip all the way to one flash LED. Now my LED light comes on its pretty bright light with a shroud over the top to keep the light facing outward. And down there’s also 2 USB ports so.
You need to use for you know USB cables cell phone charging etc. You can go ahead that also the best feature. This shadow will fit in a five-gallon pail. Ican show that there’s two fishing rod holders in the back also a transducer holder. You flip the transducer upside down it’ll sit on these four pegs here. You can actually use those to wrap the cable. And then bring it up. And wrap them up here. And an adjustable handle so. Ijust simply loosen the knobs. Ican just the handle up. And down or forwards back to an angle. Iprefer and then just lock the knobs back in. And I’m sturdy and set to go so. This lithium shuttle will be out for this upcoming 2017 2018 ice season. You can enjoy longer continuous use with your systems out on the ice. You have any questions go ahead. And goes to wwm Arkham tech com thank you.
And gorger’s hope you guys are as excited as. Iam as ice fishing season is right. Or right around the corner especially here in central Iowa so today. Iwant to do a video to go over my Markham lithium shuttle. And just explain some of the modifications I’ve done to mine in. Some ways you can save. Some money and just highlight. Some features of the lithium shuttle itself first of. All the head unit that I’m running on mine is Markham lx7 but the lithium shuttle is also compatible with Markham units of XOR units. And other units as well so. That might be one misconceptions. You have to have a Markham unit to run the lithium shuttle that’s not the case. Now my lx7 you can see here. Irun the chart display the vertical display in vertical zoom. Ialso have a gray background with the yellow orange. And red contrasts those are.
All just things I can customize myself not standard in. Any way but that’s one thing I love about the LX 7 is the customization options. It has on the lithium shuttle itself. It comes with the transducer arm ready for you a lot of models do not have. You have to either build. One yourself one separately so that’s a nice little feature. It is powered by a lithium battery so it’s got a nice battery readout here it’s showing 69% right. All the head unit. And the accessories. You plug into USB port run off. That lithium battery. It also has a nice light here so with. That white you can see. That it’s pretty bright. It can power some jigs. You need to recharge. Some of those for glowing purposes.
Ican be used in your shelter on a late night. Even just to illuminate the ice so that’s. One option there also on the site here. You can see I’ve got a couple USB ports obviously for charging different accessories such as a cell phone a camera things like. Now I’m going to go through. Some modifications I’ve made to my lithium channel so the first being this camera mount you’ve got 3 mountable spots on the shuttle itself. Each side here on the opposite side. And then one in the front so. What I did here with the camera mount is read. Than go buy a ram mount which there’s. Nothing wrong the RAM mount very popular products very good products but.
Ididn’t want to spend the money for one so. What I did is I went ahead. And bought a five dollar car mount for cell phones like a dashboard mount remove the suction underneath drilled a hole. And screw it into the mounting bracket so therefore I’ve got my cell phone mount okay so. It has a full 360-degree tilt on rotation so. Iwould rub my cell phone here cord. It up to the USB port. Ihave my power for my Navionics AM. Another option I have a minor modification is a UV light so Glo cups are really popular that’s a great way to charge your jigs. And get the most out of those UV jigs. And glow jigs better than spend the money on the Glo cup. Iwent ahead and bought a five dollar UV light off Amazon so. What I did is you can see. Ijust zip-tied this bad boy right here okay it’s nice and secure it’s in their tight I’ve got my UV light so. That quick glow from my UV light five dollars from Amazon so just.
Another way to save money. If that’s an option you’re looking at there is a mount underneath. This flashlight I just extended off. That mount with some camera accessories for future applications. You look towards the top here. You can see that I’ve got my GoPro camera. You will above the unit. Ican extend this want to raise. And lower I can also tilt inward. Or outward for my camera. Ican mount that on the side. Iwant to later but. Ican also detach and wear. It on a chest strap. Or a helmet strap things like. This around you can see. That right now just fastened in here so. That is secure last but not least on the back of the lithium shuttle you’ve got two rod holders. And a carriage case for your deuce the carriage case is nice. It keeps that deucer from freezing and the extra rod holders are also nice obviously. Irun five on my Striker ice transporter bag. And around my other two off of my shuttle so. You guys enjoyed this video.
You guys have any questions. Or comments for me please let. Me know feel free to share the mods. That you’ve made on your own device subscribe. You like you have suggestions for other videos please let. Me know thanks everybody in tight lines.
This is the FL 18 altra packs from Velar the term ultra pack describes the case. That your FL 18 is mounted into so let’s first talk a little bit about the case itself the ultra pack case is rounded in shape so it’s designed to fit inside of a five-gallon bucket inside the ultra pack inside here at the base is a 12-volt 9 amp hour battery. This battery is totally concealed in here in pre wired right from the factory. It has two access ports here for accessories a positive. And negative it has a digital battery status indicator so. You can keep the status of your battery at. All times it has a master power on/off switch which is really great to have. You want to make sure. When you’re not using the system it’s completely powered down. And not slowly draining off your battery. It comes rewired from the factory fully charged battery but. We do recommend you use the digital charger. That comes with this is a. One amp fully automatic charger so. You cannot overcharge your battery plug. It in charge the battery as often of course follow the directions but the digital charger comes with. Everything is rewired also with the ultra pack you’ll find. It comes with a lot of cute things like a rod holder. And you’ve got a transducer holder a tackle box that’s. That kind of cool stuff but. One of the things you will first notice. It gets the impression of a lot of people. You take it out of the box. And want to go fishing with. How substantial this is built crazy strong the handle. That holds your float holder is really tough very rugged.
It is truly the ultra case. That Velar offers. And the FL 18 that’s mounted on. It is the classic of the Velar product lineup the FAL 18 was the first unit to have a split screen zoom capacity. That simply put it allows. You to zoom in on just the bottom 6 foot of the water column. This is the first sonar system. That was ever possible with. It was developed by techs lar. What this means is you are fishing for or walleyes. And say 60 foot of water. Iknow it’s a lot really deep but in the auto zoom feature. You can get the same resolution in the auto zoom range on the bottom 6 foot as. You could you were fishing in 6 foot of water. That kind of resolution in super deep water was never before possible. Because normally the deeper. You went the worse your resolution got but with the auto zoom feature.
Now opened up a whole new way of fishing the resolution is under 1/2 an inch with the FL 18 truly amazing has a built-in low-power mode so. When you’re fishing in shallow water activities the screen won’t freak out on. You so that’s really nice. It has 10 steps of interference rejection so. If you’re fishing with other anglers around. You can dial them out so. You won’t see the interference on your unit as well. Now the FL 18 altra packs comes standard with the 12 degree ice deucer transducer. This is a single crystal barium titan ate crystal it’s the best crystal. That Velar makes. It works as a best all-around performance for the FL 18. Italk about performance all-around the FL 18 really can’t be beat for a sonar system. You use year-round and that’s. One of the reasons why we highly recommend the use of a TK kit so.
You can take it out of your ultra pack in the spring and put. It into your boat in the summer teacake. It stands for transducer kit. It consists of a gimbals bracket power cord. And a transducer of choice for your type of fishing Tek kits are a great idea. Because there’s no reason why you can’t use. This technology year-round. It available also to protect your investment don’t forget to get yourself a soft pack carrying case it’s always a good idea to protect your investment. Now a lot of people look at the three buttons. And look at the green flashing lights. They go oh my goodness the sky is falling well really it’s not. That difficult to master the three buttons. You have on the controls. And with your Velar purchase. You get an instructional DVD.
That walks you through step by step the three different knobs there are only three little knobs to master very easy to master. And you’ll be able to do so. You come water ready but. We definitely recommend. You watch the DVD before. You go out on the ice to make sure. You pick up all of those secret tips. And stuff to make sure. You get the most out of your Fla teen well there. You have one of the. Most awesome fishing tools. You will ever possibly own. This is the FL 18 altra packs from Velar.
At Markham, we know being the leader. And ice owner performance doesn’t mean. We get to rest on our laurels. And that’s why this winter ice anglers across the ice Belt will find a welcome surprise lurking under the cover of our distinctive red soft pack introducing the new iSeries line of flash. Or so NARS every model in the new ice series line sports a redesigned flasher sonar display. That prevents snow buildup. And offers increased viewing angles allowing easy sight lines from. All sides while providing an unrivaled fishing experience. That will help anglers put. And bigger fish on the ice available in three models the vx1 eye the LX 3 t CI. And the l x 5i Markham’s eye series line of flashers offer unmatched performance. And ease of use markham lx5 eye flasher the. Most advanced flasher sonar ever built the Markham LX 5. Ioffers dazzlingly bright. And crisp color images of the bottom vegetation fish bait fish. And your lure all displayed with the highest resolution available in ice electronics no other flasher can match the LX 5 eyes 2500 watts of power patented movable zoom.
And super fine line technology which improves screen resolution. And enhances target separation to a razor thin quarter-inch the precision to dual beam transducer allows. You to switch between eight degrees. And 20 degrees Cohen angles for deep. And shallow water use. And moveable zoom allows. You to hone in on any segment of the water column a patented industry best 12 level interference rejection system knocks out competing noise. And nearby sonar units so. You can fish in a group free from interference Marcum lx3 TCI flasher. You compare all the specs of the Marcum lx3 TCI to other flashers in its class on paper.
It beats them in all categories the real truth. Though is in actual on the ice performance featuring 15 inch target separation. And default mode and one-inch target separation in zoom mode the LX 3 TCI excels at identifying. Both bottom hugging walleyes. And schools of suspended crappies the LX 3 TCI features 2000 watts of power 3 color true color LED display a patented movable zoom a 20 degree transducer. And a patented 12 level interference rejection system markham vx1 eye flasher Markham’s entry-level flasher the VX 1i offers performance features pricing the competition can’t match boasting 1000 watts of power the VX. One eye is a fish finding powerhouse. And features a split screen bottom lock zoom 2 inch target separation a 20-degree transducer. And a patented interference rejection system. That has envy of the ice electronics industry. All Markum flashers include padded soft packs rechargeable 12-volt batteries.
And three-stage automatic battery chargers. This winner does’t settle for anything less. Than an ice series flasher from marco the. Most powerful high-performance flasher sonar units ever built.
This is the Markham lx7 lithium combo so taking closer look here battery charger goes right there. It does have readout. It the snow shield plastic piece adjust ability for the screen of course it’ll tilt. You have a little bit of adjustment here in the handle up. And down portion this here is for rod holders I’m thinking about maybe modifying. That bucket putting some rod holders on the side of. You got a screen protector it’s retarded. Imentioned that’s because pretty much. Everything has a screen protector on. It brand-new all right so let’s take a look at the Markham LX 7 it’s sold in a five-gallon bucket for transporting it does have the rod holders in the back. It in the five-gallon bucket. It really doesn’t leave. Any room for your poles a pretty tight fit as well. What I went in did it’s got a couple of these rod holders. You could make your own out of PVC of course. These rod holders are only four dollars a piece we’re going to do is we’re going to drill a couple of pilot holes. And we’ll be able to transport the poles.
Everything and not have to throw. It into the 5-gallon buckets so. All we’re really going to need for this is a 3/16 inch drill bit. And of course a impact driver will do well. Some hardware for a flush fit. We can use this type of head. Or else just your standard pan head. It should be alright as well go ahead with a locking washer so. What we want to do we mark them out on the five-gallon bucket is. We want to make sure. That they’re situated so. They handle interfere with. You transport your rods. We look here they’re set up pretty nicely actually for this five-gallon bucket. They have the spacers. Everything right there so. What we’re gonna do is we’re going to go ahead take a pen simply mark out.
Where we’re going to drill. Iwant to note the corners of the unit so. When we’re taking the unit in. And out of the five gallon bucket we’re not being hung up on those. Any type of screw head that’s our nut. That is on the opposite side so that’s why I’m going to keep them fairly close to the center before. You start drilling it is wise to take the unit out of the five-gallon bucket for the bottom two screws. Iput those in reverse with a head on the inside so. Ididn’t have anything catching very little interference with the setup taking the unit in. And out of the bucket. And also two we got the handle works freely so.
That shouldn’t be an issue. When you’re out there so take note of. You do put the rod holders so there. We go handy sturdy nice and. Ifirst got this lx7 unit. Iinitially didn’t want to carry. It around in a five-gallon pail. Ididn’t think that was a very good idea so. Iended up getting this trophy angler soft side case to haul. It around I have not. Even used these rod holders make. It a little easier to transport. Everything now just top off. That five-gallon bucket with a padded spin seat. And we’re good to go pro tip of the day. Once again appreciate. You join me thank. You for the comments. And the subscribes
Just put a little Oh back in the new scoffs. It that’s awesome sweet alright so. Iam doing a quick little review. How the Newark on shuttle works. It you’re in front of. Ijust wanted to give. You a quick glimpse of what I’m using so at least. We talk there’s something fun to watch on the screen order local reservoir just popping some Crabbies. They seem to be hitting pretty well tonight. You don’t see on the Markham. They are thick I just need to find the ones it’ll bite. Because it’s been that’s super fast but definitely not slow it’s not a bad night anyway so. This is the Markham shuttle. This is a new that came up with. Idid a quick unboxing on. Italked a little bit of. All its features and in different parts of. Iwant to get into its performance so the things. Ilike about oh there’s. On the things I will like about the shuttle is. This is the elect six that’s on there. And the Alex success. And before I had the shuttle. Ihad the Alex success in. That normal red bag. That bag when I’m walking around with the Markham. It feels like it could fall out at. Any moment you google Markham’s falling out of the bag there is a lot of information on people who have had. It simply just fall out. It is an awful feeling I’m sure to have such an expensive unit. And have it disappears on. You in a sense and check the screen. And break you know. All those different things. This platform it is rock-solid. Ifeel fantastic carrying this thing I don’t feel like it’s overexposed.
Iam a big fan of. It rights and its really working well for me I’ve had. It out with the mark of mahon right. Now for about I don’t know. Iwould say 45 minutes. And it’s gone down about five. Or six percent so it’s been doing an awesome job so far. You know they advertise. This thing is gonna last for 40 hours. Ican see that being possible in warm conditions. Idon’t know what it’d be like in cold conditions. Ididn’t really talk about in their packaging or on the website. Anything if that forty hours was in perfect. You know 75 degree heat. It was in that 10 degree range. Where a lot of ice fishing is done, so I’m sure. That forty hours would be hard to push to try to get. That much time out of. It but so far it’s doing so much better. Then the old battery, so I’m I’m feeling good about. That the other thing I want to mention is just the unit as a whole feels less heavy. Iknow lithium batteries weigh less so that’s part of.
Ithink the other thing too. This is with the way. These handles built man I’ve missed like ten fish on screen so in figure apart in the comments like. Iam NOT fishing very well right. Because I’m talking but no excuses anyways the handle on. This thing is so much. More user-friendly to carry. And the weight disproportion is better. Because nothing’s leaning towards the front like. That the old bag was so. Ijust feel like it’s its easier to carry. This unit then and the old Marcum was quick-release um. Ialso like the rod holders on. Me grab here’s a tickle stick we’ll stick. That in there I didn’t have. It in their just cuz. Iwant quick access to my net oh.
And it’s different with the open water fishing but it’s its super nice. Ihave zero issues with. They do swing on you there’s no lake a handle attachment. And you’d only put two in there which. They would have done. It up a little bit more but. It seems to do the trick so that’s nice. Ithink it’s gonna be awesome out on the ice that’s that’s such a huge benefit to be able to carry a couple rods with. You don’t always really know. How the fish down the hole is gonna react. You want some different colors. You know carry a jig. And a spoon and a ripping wrap. Or different things so it’s nice to be able to have. That option one thing. Ididn’t think was a little funky on. And I’ll show you quick is with the way. This transducer spool is right. It come out of this back handle. Idon’t think that maybe that’s not the way it’s supposed to be. It comes around the handle. And don’t like I don’t like. You wrap up your transducer.
Iwould guess it goes through the inside leave a comment. You have and you’ve got a better way of doing it then. How I’ve got it right. It feels a little bit janky. And that’s that’s not. These units supposed to feel so. Some advice on that let. Me know otherwise I think I’ll probably switch. That around I would guess. It will feel better after. All right what the hell is going on with. These grabbe’s this is my first time using this bait. Iknow it’s a very commonly used bait but I’ve never used. It out today I figured I’d try. This is also a brand-new rad for me. Ijust built this rod my first custom build so did a very basic just. All black threading so. Ikind of want to get the hang of. It but it’s a very touch sensitive rod. And not super site oriented which I’m used to on. Something like the tickle stick, so I’m gonna blame a learning to curve so inside the boat. You can see this as 61% down there on the screen which is really nice to have.
You could turn that light off. Idon’t think it always needs to be on but. And that’s fine whatever. You flip this toggle. All the way up don’t light comes on it’s quite a bit of light. Iplan on staying out here in the dark tonight, so we’ll see just. How well I haven’t used the holders. Yet for the GoPro simply. Idon’t have the attachment it’s not like. You just click in your GoPro. You have to have a screw in attachment which is. Something you can get with say the Amazon package of attachments for GoPro, so I’d like to try. And I’d also like to get a phone holder. Idon’t think my phone. We were super necessary but I’m wondering if. Ican hold other stuff in there so like I’d like to hold the GPS from there.
Iwould love to find a way to mount a pot holder a cup holder so. That a beverage can stick on. This thing because if anyone’s like. Me it’s I’ve always got. And it’s its nice to have. Something to carry that so those are things I’d like to do. If you’ve done there with yours lay a picture in the comments. Or tell what product. You used and we’ll share. Some information on how to modify. These things up a little bit. What they already are to make them. Even better well I’m not gonna talk anymore I’m just gonna try to catch a. Few fish and put them on camera for you but. You like the product. You like the video on. It go ahead and throw. It a lake or subscribe to the channel I’m gonna try to post a bunch of videos a new fishing gear. This year I plan on being poor. And just buying new things so it’s kind of what I do its kind of what I like to do but. Iappreciate everybody watching the video. And go out and have fun with.
Everyone Fakir is Markum technologies in. This video we’re going to talk about the brand-new mark on lithium shuttle. This mark on lithium shuttle has an internal lithium battery that’s capable of up to 40 hours of use. It will fit most Markham systems. All of our flashers from VX 1i up so LX 3 LX 5 also the digital series LX 6 LX 7 LX 9 but. It will not work with the RT 9 so it’s an internal lithium battery a bracket to plug your unit into. And a power cable to plug into the back unit a simple on/off toggle switch so. It on my battery status indicator shows. That at 68% battery right. It will give me continuous updates of where my battery is at same thing if. It plugged in so my charging port is over here. Iuse the charger that came with. Ican go ahead and plug. It will show me my charge. Ihave as it’s charging as it’s going up. Ialso have an LED light. Ican flip all the way to one flash LED. Now my LED light comes on its pretty bright light with a shroud over the top to keep the light facing outward. And down there’s also 2 USB ports so.
You need to use for you know USB cables cell phone charging etc. You can go ahead that also the best feature. This shadow will fit in a five-gallon pail. Ican show that there’s two fishing rod holders in the back also a transducer holder. You flip the transducer upside down it’ll sit on these four pegs here. You can actually use those to wrap the cable. And then bring it up. And wrap them up here. And an adjustable handle so. Ijust simply loosen the knobs. Ican just the handle up. And down or forwards back to an angle. Iprefer and then just lock the knobs back in. And I’m sturdy and set to go so. This lithium shuttle will be out for this upcoming 2017 2018 ice season. You can enjoy longer continuous use with your systems out on the ice. You have any questions go ahead. And goes to wwm Arkham tech com thank you.
Well you’ve XLR fans out there. Now consistently see your depth digitally with vex large digital depth indicator the device is easy to install. And constantly showed. You exactly how deep. And with the push of a button. You can see your battery status as well. This device will fit on. Any Velar unit no matter. You want to learn more check. Us out online at zeal.
Here’s a great product from Velar. And it’s called the DD 100 the DD 100 means digital depth yes. Now you’ll have a digital depth display. While you’re fishing with your Velar the DD 100 adapts to. Any model of Velar on the market today no matter. You can upgrade your Velar to have a digital depth display. How cool is it fits on. Any pro pack Ultra Packer gans back the holes are already pre designed for it the same holes. You would use to mount your D 130 battery status indicators are the same holes. You use for the DD 100. Even by pushing the push to test button there. You actually get battery status as well so you’ll always know the condition of your battery so the DD 100 is a great add-on accessory to. Any current Velar. And best all new models of Velar pro pacs. And ultra pacs come standard with the DD 100 so check. It out at your Velar dealer. Or go to Velar calm.
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