You do everybody today we’re gonna be taking a look at an amazing product. That Nikon has for 2017. What I have here are an icons new black force 1000 scope here’s the packaging for the scope. We have right here like. Any other product it comes with a manual here so it’s gonna have. All the specs and information. You need on the optic right in here I’ll set. That aside cuz we won’t be talking about the manual we’ll be talking about the scope first thing before. We go into the video the bolt is back. We did check there is. Nothing in the chamber safety first. You always want to check. That so we’ll jump into the scope. It is designed for that three gun style of shooter. That wants to come up on quick. Iget on target quickly. And of course close distance. One fifty a hundred yards out there. And a little bit further beyond. That as well this scope is very clear. It comes with all of Nikon’s amazing crystal clear glass. You get with all of my cons optics. This is a second focal plane scope meaning. That the reticle does not change. You increase your magnification. And again one thing. That Nikon did with the new black scopes. They kind of wanted to make. It a family it is a 30 millimeter main body tube with the 24 millimeter objective lens.
It does come with consistent eye relief. That way if you’re shooting with glasses. Or depending on the distance of your face. And comparison to the scope. One two four magnification so. You can see here just simple a. Few suggesting it and then for it’s designed to be a true 1x shooting. That way you can shoot with. Both eyes open you want it’s. You were on its lowest power for the. One magnification so shoot with. Both eyes open you want for longer distance crank. It up to four there is an accessory. You can order separately from the scope which is a switch view. That just mounts up here on top of the magnification. It sticks up about quarter of an inch crank. It over it’s a lot easier to adjust so. That way you’re not fondling out here with. This twisting your magnification. You can describe it cranks. It over so that is an accessory the MSRP for.
That is 5995 as I mentioned a. One to four it does come with a speed force reticle which is a new reticle. That Nikon has which is a double horseshoe reticle with half click MOA notches inside the reticle we’ll talk about the mount real quick. This is Nikon’s black cantilever mount. It does come in two different variations the. You see here and then also does come. One with 20 Moas built into. And then the packaging for the scope is gonna look. Something like this right here. You can see Nikon’s black Ken Weaver Mountain as. Imentioned MSRP is. One thirty-nine ninety-five. It does come in 20 Moas built into. It does come with capped wind age. And elevation turrets which come in handy. If you’re begging the rifle around tree as. You drop it in the mud. Iwill protect those turrets. You won’t lose zero there we’ll go ahead. And twist these off. It is a half click MOA is. What the turrets come in.
And then you can see. Both your wind age and your elevation here. And half MOA clicks. These turrets come with a spring load instant zero meaning while you’re out at the range. And your zero and your rifle. And you’re making your clicks. Once you’re a zero let’s say. It a hundred yards and you’re zeroed you’ll pick. It up twist it backdrop. It down to zero mark. That is your zero it does come with illumination. It comes with a 10 intensity setting so. All the way up to 10 very cool features about. This is the reticle will turn off after. One hour of non usage meaning if. You leave it on out. It in your gun safe. It will turn off that way. It will save the battery life for it. Another thing is instead of having to dial through from your lowest intensity to the highest there are off switches between. You can leave one click.
You are your one intensity level. One click your back to off click. It back here to 10 so. It just jumps very quickly like. That way you’re not sitting like. Isaid to go through the battery pack is right here on the side of the illumination very easy to operate twists. What the compartment is going to look like the battery goes in there. It just sits in their very nice and easy pop. It in the battery as. It lasts for about four thousand usages so every time. You click that considers. You use so it will last. You a long time twist. It back on it goes back in nice and easy as. Imentioned MSRP for the scope is 399 95 which is a very competitive price for a scope of. This caliber with Nikon’s crystal clear glass.
It is also backed by an eye constant no-fault warranty policy which is the best policy out there. You will probably never end up using it so. You won’t be using it out in the field have enough to return. It has a great warranty on. It but you’ll be waiting for it to come back with. This probably will never break but again in case. That is a deal-breaker for you Nikon does back their optics with Nikon’s no fault warranty policy. It is also compatible with Nikon spot on precision app so. You can put in your gray. And your cartridge your. Whether it’s five six two threes. Whatever you may be using for. That day go into the spot on app put in. All the numbers you need to have for. It will tell what your zero is going to be at for. That certain day so again night comes black force. One thousand one two four with the speed force reticle there’s not much out there. That competes with this scope. This is an amazing piece of equipment. You want to have everybody should have.
One of my guns and my safe so again make sure. You go online Nikon sport optics calm. You can read about it there. You can find it at your closest retail store you.
Today on the Yamaha whitetail Diaries Jeremy Boone from Cabala’s has been invited to deer camp. This week and he’s brought along. Something new from Cabala’s the Cabala’s Instinct line of rifle scopes so the instinct line is Cabala’s premium line of optics. They provide the highest end performance. You can get at a price point. That it was previously unattainable for. That kind of product so it’s its European made optics comparable to your other high-end European optics but at far less of a price it’s really a value proposition. And for the whole system it’s. All you know HD optics great lens coatings extreme durability it’s its. Something you can count on no matter. Where you’re hunting or. What you’re hunting but. Something we’re pretty proud of it’s a program we’ve had around for a. While now, we’ve made. Some tweaks to. It over the years and really happy with. Where it’s at and it’s performed great. And I can tell you. That a lot of people have taken a lot of great animals with. It it’s its proven itself in the field time. And time again you know Cabala’s has long been known as the world’s foremost outfitter. And when you look at the halls of the people. That work in Cabala’s. Imean there are people.
That they get outdoors. You know they don’t just sit behind. That desk and look at numbers. Imean there’s some die hard hunters. And that company die hard outdoors men die hard sportsmen people. That not only know that the products specifications from a retail standpoint but. They know from experience. How it works in the field. And the optics is one of those arenas. And areas that to me. That’s just so important. Because when I look at optics. Idemand performance. Idemand durability. Idemand something that’s gonna be able to withstand a harsh environment. And use not not looking for something I don’t care. How pretty it is I want the inner workings to be there for me. Iwanted to perform. When I need them no matter. What I’ve put it through leading up to. That time the instinct scopes are great for a. Few reasons and one being of course the price point yeah to the quality. And really the optical quality is.
What stands it out as top-of-the-line the low light performance really is almost unmatched. And you know you have no worries. That you’ll be able to see your target. When it’s the most important time of day. And then you’ve got other features just like we’ve done with. It you know the outside of its just a good-looking scope its sleek. It looks good on the gun. And it’s not something that’s gonna get in the way it’s but it’s a good complement to. Any good rifle knowing. That this line is the top of the heap. When it comes to optics but. More consumers can afford. It that’s something. That we’re really excited about hey. You want to learn more about Cabala’s Instinct line of optics head on over to your local Cabala’s. Or visit their website at Cabala’s dot-com.
Code ws 카브 네째 r&d; 거였어요 비브라토 스 트 업 스포 o vi 놀아야 되고 아이디어 wang 플스 2 준 쉬운 링 of ancient origin ok 슌 사이트 워크 싶어 같이 루프 파우 tree 펼치 원고를 외모 1주 아주 많습니다 아이 프레이 넘넘 은 암 쏠린 마음이 를 득 조화를 풀치 앞을 엔버 win 스러진 크리스마스도 이혼 오브 아르고 왜 나라도 초아 d7 티나 졸 와 flat. Or 아빠 오븐 스월 섹스틴 바이오. Once 토니 포말 3 2 마우스 ws 카본을 대할 뜨거워야 앞에 beer 포스퀘어 아빠 월 소아 준대요 1 와이프 tmp 웬지 옴의 arp 없다 와 5.
Hey guys quick review on the Bushnell banner dusk. And dawn 1 by 4 by 32x circle axe reticle scope Wow. That was a mouthful alright so let’s run through. Some quick numbers before. We talk about this thing you’re talking about ten. And a half inches long 43 inch high relief which is really important that’s pretty generous so you’re going to make sure. That matches up with. Whatever application you’re using you have. One to four X as I mentioned. Now the true 1 to 4 X so it’s probably like 12. Or 13 but close enough for all intents and purposes. It has a fixed parallax set at 50 yards. And a partridge in a pear tree. And it’s pretty simple. This is about as simple as a rifle scope can come. And it’s got a really neat. You know I’d say like philosophy of use. Iguess is how fancy describes. You can use the same for it’s really inexpensive. You can get it for my 75 to 80 dollars. Iended up getting it on sale. Ithink Black Friday for maybe like 69 68. Something like that relatively inexpensive alright let’s talk about turrets then we’ll kind of move on from there of course. They come with the usual kind of aluminum covers sigh also before. Iforget cuz it comes with a little plastic cover for the eyepieces with a single strap.
Nothing great you might wanna upgrade. If you’re going to do on. Any serious uh field work with. This thing the turrets are hand adjustable. You don’t need a tool. And they’re labeled for wind age. And elevation, and we’ll bring this up here so. You can hear they have a really nice click to them they’re actually had a really good tactile response so. You are changing them without looking you can clearly hear the individual clicks it’s not very mushy they’re not 100% accurate. You know what I have not seen a riflescope under $200. Where the turrets were 100% accurate so just pay. That in mind but for the. Most part this scope holds a wonderful 0 off across probably like three different platforms. That I’ve tested and it’s done very well but very impressed but then again.
This is my third Bushnell scope. Ialways go back to them. They do make the best inexpensive scopes on the market not the best but the best inexpensive scopes has a fast focus eyepiece. One by four adjustment rate. That circlex reticle let’s talk about. That for a second since. You can see here what you have is a very big oh yeah the glass clarity guys really good for the money. Ineed foot for the money. This is a some of the best glass it’s very clear coated very well. Everything about it’s really good it’s. You know for the limited range you’re going to be using this for this is. Then adequate so as. You can see you have a big set of thick crosshairs. And inside that thick set of crosshairs is a smaller thinner crosshair surrounded by a circle that’s a very neat.
And very useful reticle at first. This thing I did not like. Ithought it was big. It was cumbersome it kind of got in the way but then. Istarted using it and loved. Iactually really enjoy. This reticle for a couple reasons. One those fine crosshairs are really good for at the rage. When accuracy counts you’re staying still on a bench. And you’ve got good conditions they’re really good for doing fine work they’re great for 22 they’re great for shooting. That ar-15 out to a hundred yards really nice set but. You also had that nice dark circle so. If you’re using this in a hunting application dear pops up ten yards in front of. You can game with. That circle as opposed to those really fine crosshairs which is a pretty common reticle.
You see in the close combat objects over the red dancers go so. It kind of combines the best of. Both worlds I really do like. It as much as like I said at first. Iwas like oh you know just did not care for it but after using it quite of. It to be very versatile. It suits a lot of needs so originally. Ibought this to go on my shotgun to be honest. This thing does have. That 43 inch I believe so. Ifigured this would be a really good shot gun. And Bushnell markets. You real quick just so. You know this is the model number 6 air 61 – 1432 so there’s. That real quick that’s labeled right on the bottom made in Korea also by the way so. Ibought one the shotgun. And behold I didn’t get the doe permit. Iwanted this year so. Inever went shotgun hunting I did. All rifle this year cuz New York’s weird. We break it up into. Each county can kind of choose the implements. And there’s a handful of companies. That only let you shotgun but. This year I didn’t get a doe permit in. That County so I never ended up using it.
Ibrought it to Niobrara range sighted. It in with the 12-gauge. We aren’t as good it’s no better no worse. Any other slope you know shotguns. All close range anyway. It sounds like you need. Anything other than a scope. That can handle the beating and after hunting season. Iswitched over to my 22. Ijust did some plinking with. You know just kind of. Some Fairweather plinking in the late fall there. We had a really beautiful December guys always dreamed. It was awesome, so I got to the range quite a bit. Idid a lot of thinking with. This on my family Ruger 10/22. That on there and just kind of played. Ilive with that for a. And then I also put. It on to one of my a ar-15 uppers. Ijust wanted to see. It would be in that close combat type of shooting so. Some kind of close range shooting 20 25 yards standing you know bringing the gun from like a ready position up.
And trying to shoot quickly did very good out it’s actually really impressed with. It’s not an illuminated reticle. It would have been a little. More efficient it was but for a simple $7500 optic. Iwas able to get shot off really quick. Iwas really impressed with. How well it worked. Once again guys one big gigantic caveat. Because there’s way better optics out there. You know but you are going to have to pay for. That an ideal situation you’re going to want. Something these are a red dot. Something that has a illuminated reticle 7. If you’re working in low light dark condition. Something like you can still see your reticle.
It quickly this isn’t. You know for a good trainer. This makes an excellent scope there’s number. One acts setting you can look to the scope of. Both eyes open so you can get. That fast acquisition but. If you’re taking longer shots. You can zoom into four. This is very reminiscent of the three gun scopes. That are out there which is kind of neat. And but also you know has enough power. And a big enough objective. It gathers quite a bit of light to be used in a low-light hunting situation so. This thing is kind of. This weird mishmash of different scopes. Iunderstand why it’s not very popular is. They do sell it as a shotgun scope so. It doesn’t get a lot of a lot of publicity but the thing is. This is actually a pretty handy little scope. You have basically a bare-bones low budget. One to 4x close combat scope. You can use you have a good twenty-two scope for planking at the range. You have a pretty rock-solid scope. You throw on your shotgun.
This is a really good scope to buy. And keep running the house use. It for various different platforms. Ireally enjoyed you know put. You to the range and using the shotgun. Ireally enjoyed planking with. And enjoy playing with the ar-15 but. All those worlds is. It the best in any of those three absolutely not but for 80 bucks. Nothing else in that price range is going to beat. It you’re not going to get in the end our tactical scope. That you’re gonna it’s going to do better. This you’re not going to get an eating our rifle scope that’s going to be better. Then that’s and you’re not going to find it better well. You might find some just play your scopes. You know 480 boxer but hows’s. It go to be better. This the quality of the Bushnell’s is really good for the price. Or a really high value so there’s so much.
You can use this for and like I’ve done. This around over three different rifles really enjoyed. And really enjoyed it for the money. You want if you’re kind of leery about buying this. You can remember it considers. This a trainer for a 1×4 scope. If you’re really considering picking up a six seven eight hundred dollar optic that’s a 1×4. This is a great trainer to make sure. You like that sort of optic using a scope as a close combat optic is really difficult it’s really difficult to train yourself to leave. That high open you keep wanting to close your eye but. You don’t you can just bring. That thing up both eyes open shoot. You have that nice big field of view getting you so that’s kind of tricky so. This is a trainer so. You are considering an expensive optic maybe buy. This try it out before. You spend that six seven. Or eight hundred dollars on the. More expensive optic so there.
It is guys I think it’s a really neat optic for the money it’s kind of odd bird but it’s. You know for the money. You can’t go wrong like. You can pop this on a 22. You can pop it on a scope. How to run a rifle you can plop. It on a an ar-15 all of them. You know it performs very well. You can get quite a bit out of. It for the money you don’t know it’s not illuminated. It doesn’t have all the fancy bells. And whistles it doesn’t have the adjustable objective. Or the parallax settings but for our bare-bones for a beginner. This is a really good school.
hey guys are watching Videla TV. Ibought a new scope for my Swedish Mauser. Ichoose on Bar Chanel banner tossed. And on 3 by 9 by 40 scope in the United States. You have to pay something between 80. And 90 dollars and here in Germany. Ihad to pay something between 180. And 200 euros that’s round about 230 260 dollars. And that’s a lot of money but anyway. It was the cheapest cope. Ican find and I read a lot of good reviews about. Ichoose this particular scope is a 3 by 9 by 40 with the multi X reticle. And the BTC courgettes it’s on well-made scope within. One inch tube and 10 inch. Irelease and the special BD cigarettes. You later the parallax was fixed at 100 yards. It comes with multi colored lenses. And the multi X reticle. You later in detail further we’ve got those covers for the scope. And inside the box there is a manual. And reg SD card for us customers only. And that’s very important. And chart for the right VDC ring so. You can find different rounds. And manufacturers for these rounds. You can choose the right ring you can see those biddies earrings. They are marked in yards. And four different rounds. This is a school made of plastic. Another material would be better but it’s made of plastic. And the agreement of. This ring here is in 25 year angels.
And last but not least there’s a white ring you can use for the own load here. You can write your number so your clicks on. This ring and use it for your reloaded ammunition the installation of these PDC rings are very easy. You sight in your scope at 100 yards. You have to replace the screw cap with a BDC ring align the 100-yard mark with a scope screw in the plastic screw. And you’re ready here. You can see the multi X reticle. And the different magnification. And in reality it’s much better. What I can show you through the camera. You the bath for six time magnification. It becomes a little blurry but like.
You in reality it’s not so bad then. It seems to be in this video here. You okay guys I think for the money. You can’t beat the bottle burner. Iwon’t spend a thousand euros foreign scope on 300 euros Swedish Mauser so. Ichoose and I’m happy with. And yeah that’s it sorry for my bad English. It was very hard for me to make. This review in English but. You understand everything and. You enjoyed this little video here please vote subscribe. And leave a comment. And thank you very much for taking the time watching my video.
Big scope features with a small scope price tag is. What the nikon pro staff seven with BDC reticle delivers housed in a 30 millimeter tube for superb light gathering this long-range scope offers 4 to 16 magnification side focus. And a 42 millimeter objective tube the suckin light like a black hole a fully sealed nitrogen gas purged anodized aluminum housing keeps. It dries and fog free on the insides. And will even take being submerged in 3 feet of water fully multi-coated lenses resist dust. And scratching while optimizing clarity. And brightness finger adjustable target turrets with spring return-to-zero adjustment dials allow easy zeroing of your rifle. And a quarter MOA adjustments for elevation. And wind age can be quickly made screw on covers protect your turrets. And avoid accidental movement our test model is a 4 to 16 by 42. And offers exceptional clarity without adding a lot of additional weight.
It weighs a mere 19 point 4 ounces. And at 13 point 6 inches long. It is a small enough package to be barely noticeable on top of your rifle the side focus knob is adjustable from 50 yards to infinity. And can be used to estimate distance to target the BDC reticle allows easy adjustments at various ranges out to 500 yards without making changes to your turret just line up your shot. And the various distance rings in the scope for elevation adjustments out to 500 yards for standard velocity rifles in 600 yards for magnums for more exact adjustments input your load data. And variables into the nikon spot-on ballistic match technology available on the Nikon website. This will allow you to create the ideal dope for your rifle optics ammo combination with a price tag of under four hundred. And fifty dollars the Nikon Prostaff 7 offers amazing value for the money cramming features usually reserved for much pricier scopes into an every man price point quality glass rugged tube.
And packed with features the Nikon Prostaff 7 line of scopes allow. You to reach out without digging deep check them out at your local sportsmen warehouse store as. This scope is so new. They are one of the. Few retailers who are selling them just. Yet be one of the first to get the power. And value of the Pro Staff 7 from 9 guns.
Big scope features with a small scope price tag is. What the nikon pro staff seven with BDC reticle delivers housed in a 30 millimeter tube for superb light gathering this long-range scope offers 4 to 16 magnification side focus. And a 42 millimeter objective tube the suckin light like a black hole a fully sealed nitrogen gas purged anodized aluminum housing keeps. It dries and fog free on the insides. And will even take being submerged in 3 feet of water fully multi-coated lenses resist dust. And scratching while optimizing clarity. And brightness finger adjustable target turrets with spring return-to-zero adjustment dials allow easy zeroing of your rifle. And a quarter MOA adjustments for elevation. And wind age can be quickly made screw on covers protect your turrets. And avoid accidental movement our test model is a 4 to 16 by 42. And offers exceptional clarity without adding a lot of additional weight.
It weighs a mere 19 point 4 ounces. And at 13 point 6 inches long. It is a small enough package to be barely noticeable on top of your rifle the side focus knob is adjustable from 50 yards to infinity. And can be used to estimate distance to target the BDC reticle allows easy adjustments at various ranges out to 500 yards without making changes to your turret just line up your shot. And the various distance rings in the scope for elevation adjustments out to 500 yards for standard velocity rifles in 600 yards for magnums for more exact adjustments input your load data. And variables into the nikon spot-on ballistic match technology available on the Nikon website. This will allow you to create the ideal dope for your rifle optics ammo combination with a price tag of under four hundred. And fifty dollars the Nikon Prostaff 7 offers amazing value for the money cramming features usually reserved for much pricier scopes into an every man price point quality glass rugged tube.
And packed with features the Nikon Prostaff 7 line of scopes allow. You to reach out without digging deep check them out at your local sportsmen warehouse store as. This scope is so new. They are one of the. Few retailers who are selling them just. Yet be one of the first to get the power. And value of the Pro Staff 7 from 9 guns.
Hi I’m Cody Nelson from coma the optics authority I’m here today with Cortland food from Zeiss we’re going to talk today about the disease conquest V force. You know Cortland why don’t. You take us through them. And tell what you think about yeah thanks Cody so the conquest before series from Zeiss. This is kind of our entry model price point scope is your retail from about 800 to 1200 dollars. All 30 millimeter tubes. We do have an uncapped elevation turret with a ballistic stock built into every. One of the scopes so. You can tell where you’re at exactly so. You have a really positive return to zero point cap witness shirt. Because generally in the field you’re not dialing a wind age turret just keeps. It a little bit smarter a little. Lower profile sure. We do have illuminated versions available in the 4 to 16. And 6 to 24 so corpsman. When you’re comparing these kind of tell. Me the differences between. You know like the sizes. And then maybe you know like.
You know the radicals. And whatnot between them so starting with. These with the v4 we got the 4 to 16 power range. We do in a 4 to 16 44 which is. One right here so it keeps your objective lens a little bit smaller sure makes the scope a little bit lighter weight a little. Lower profile on the rifle. You still have your uncapped elevation turn with ballistic stops. You have a very positive metal-on-metal zero stop built in capita wind age turret the benefit to is. We offer these in three different reticles so. You can get one on RZ flex reticle which serves an inner crosshair the CMO a reticle which is going to be broken down in. This particular scope. And two MOA increments sure as you’re going as you’re going down the reticle to use the reticle for your holdover. And then our ZB our reticle the ZB r reticle is a little unique but.
It does have a full Christmas tree style reticle sure under the horizontal crosshair so you’ve done. All your wind age holders okay. These scopes are our second focal plane yes sir so. Everything is a second focal plane to compost before in core load the next. One for us it’s going to be it’s gonna be the four to 1650 so. We offer this scope in a 50 millimeter objective also the benefit with going to 50 mm. We can get it anonymity. And illuminated so again 50 memory objective gets. You a little bit lighter transfer through the objects. And be a little bit brighter. It does have a little bit of weight but the v4 is being so small. Though profiled it doesn’t have a ton of weight ty parallax adjustments on. One side along with your illumination. It does have a on/off feature so between every one feature is an off click share’.
How having to dial the rotation. All the way around to turn. And off yeah that would be for guys like. That would just leave. It on the whole time I’ve been there done. That myself so the illumination is only available in our zmo a reticle so it’s her it’s out to MOA hash mark reticle okay. And the just the hash mark portion Dracula’s gonna be illuminated not the whole thing so you’re not making a too bright right jumping up from the 4 to 16 we’re gonna go into the 6 to 24 so. This is our highest power scope of the v4 again we’ll start from the bottom 30 millimeter tube illuminated. And not illuminated as well with the xia moya reticle. These two scopes are available in the ZB r reticle just without the illumination right so.
We do find that the ZM way is the. Most preferred for illuminated reticles again it’s very lightweight. This is 6 to 24 our scope. That weights 22 ounces so it’ll be perfect for your. Even as small as you’re not rifles. You know a lot of the guys seem to be hitting. And a half or maybe. That much as 10 pound, but they’re not wanting you know a big giant. You know two and a half pounds gopher exactly okay exactly yeah. We designed these scopes to be a dedicated long range item scope for mount situations. And forgot just way conscious on his rifles you’re not had sort of like a giant optic on there. And gained a ton of weight. And you’re still getting performance ID we’ve been a lightweight object so again guys a real great value awesome scopes super strong super reliable. Ireally suggest these scopes for your next long-range rig again Cortland thank.
You for coming out today it’s always nice to have. You in town and to be able to look at the scopes. And see what’s new and have your knowledge. Everything here for so again Cody from go hunt comm : third from Zeiss thanks for being with. You have any questions again subscribe to the youtube page go to optics at go hook calm
as a hunter long-range shooter an optic junkie. Ican tell you we’re in a great place. When the quality of optics is going up. And the price is coming down. And Zeiss has launched the v4 which is a great example of. That the conquest v4 series of rifle scopes delivers high-quality German engineering to a family of rifle scopes that’s. More affordable to a larger audience prices range from $799 to 1199. Each scope comes in a 30 millimeter tube. And with four different magnification models. You can top every rifle. You own with the right scope for the job the one-two for the 24 is ideal for dangerous game 3 guns. Or weapon platform setups. Both eyes are open and a full field of view is essentially the mid-level magnification unit is a 3 to 12 by 56. And serves the hunter seeking the best low-light performance the 4 to 16 by 44. And the 6 to 24 by 50 are the higher magnification scopes in the series. And our hands down my favorite for Western hunting to be able to hit a target at long range you’ve got to be able to see. It at 24 power you can be extremely precise as well over a thousand yards regardless of your desired application. Or magnification you’re going to be extremely happy with the quality of glass the repeatability of the turret as well as the accuracy. And the durability of. This line of scopes with high definition glass enhanced with T start light transmission coatings. You will see a 90% light transmission to the I’m making these scopes perform extremely well in low-light conditions especially useful.
When game is most active. All 2018 models are second focal plane which means your sub tension reticle will stay the same size. And is less distracting throughout the magnification range the higher magnification units have exposed elevation turrets. And capped wind age with 80 minutes of adjustment for validation as well as a ballistic stop with metal to metal hard stop. You go back to zero. You can get multiple revolutions out of your elevation. And be confident when you’re back to zero. When dialing elevation like. And repeatability is key. This means if I’m shooting at 500 yards. Ineed to move up five inches to get on target. One minute or four clicks with. This quarter MOA adjustment should give. Me the five inches I need measuring this movement at. This distance lets you know just. How precise these scopes are my test model here is a 6 by 24 by 50. It has a Z MOA one reticle. And is illuminated it has ten different brightness levels of illumination the hash marks in.
This reticle represents 1 MOA spacing at the reestablished power magnification settings which is helpful for long-range shooting and hunting. Each scope in the series offers a vast array of radicals. Most are available and illuminated as well as non illuminated to suit your desires a visit with the zeiss website will show. Each available options the longer range version scopes have side parallax adjustment from 50 yards out to infinity. This is extremely important. When shooting at those further distances they’re. All backed by the Zeiss limited lifetime transferable warranty. And 5-year no fault policy which guarantees you’ve made a good investment in your shooting future. You deliver a scope that’s on a 30 millimeter tube has 90% light transmission multiple revolutions of the turret. And a ballistic stop in tracks like it’s on Rails. All for around a thousand bucks you’ve definitely got a scope for everyone.
And welcome to another review shot here at Optics trade headquarters today we’ll be reviewing size conquest before the model six to 24 by 50 in particular will of course start by finding out. Some features of the series itself. And then we’ll go and talk about. This particular model. Now science is a renowned manufacturer of optics. And they’ve been around for more. Then 150 years so in the field of optics. We can be pretty sure today. They know what they’re doing this year they’ve introduced. This conquest before new series of bind-off rifle scopes at IVA 2018 in Nuremberg. And currently there are four models to choose from. Another product they are introduced is victory rangefinder their new binoculars with an integrated laser rangefinder okay let’s get go back to the conquest before series. And talk a little bit about its predecessors. This is a series that replays. That size conquest DL. And for now the range of rifle scope as regards the magnification range is a little bit narrower the OU series was.
More Europe oriented as concerns the magnification in the v4 series there are two Europe oriented rifle scopes. And two American oriented rifles scopes we’ll have to see. If the American models will sell here in Europe but. We consider the fact. That the European hunters prefer to hang with lower magnifications. Than Americans the 1 to 4 by 24. And 3 to 12 by 56 will sell much better. Then 4 to 16 by 44 and 6 to 24 by 50 for the European market a model with a magnification such as two. And a half to 10 by 50 would be a great addition to the series. And would definitely be popular here. Now with the v4 series size expanded their lineup. And fill up the blank space.
They had around 1000 euros. Now have victory v8 at the very top which is their premium rifle scope then. They have now v4 which costs around 1 Neuros. They have the v6 in between let’s talk about origins of. These riflescopes big of. This riflescope because there’s also a major change here. Now size was always successful in the price class of around 1000 euros the series. That came before conquest before was. Whereas I said conquest dl. And earl these series were made in europe. And were optically very decent for the price with conquest before size has made a major change the series is no longer manufactured in germany but in japan.
You can see here it is written right here so it’s manufactured in Japan but looking through the scope the fact. That it’s made elsewhere. That does not seem to influence the optical quality of. This size some hunters. However might be convinced. That for a price of around 1000 years. And above you should get a German mid-sized rifle scope. We will see in time. This was a good move bite size. Or not in the series as. Isaid there are four models so. We have the twilights. We have the driven hunt specialist so. One two four by 24 the four to sixteen by forty-four which is a model suitable for stalking with magnification is. More suitable for American hunters the same applies to six to 24 by fifty the model. Ihave here which is also American oriented as regards the magnification. And is meant for long range shots. And then the final one is three to twelve by fifty-six which is meant for hunting in low-light conditions today.
We have here the 6 to 24 by 50. And we’re going to talk about the features of the model. And let’s start by let’s start with the property so. It has a four time zoom factor but. This is the is a feature of the entire series. It weighs 640 grams. And measures 36 centimeters in length the field of view is six point three meters at 100 meters at lowest magnification. And the highest magnification the field of view is 16 meters on 100 meters the tube diameter is 30 minutes millimeters just like with the whole series so since the magnification goes. All the way up to 224 the rifle scope has a parallax it’s a parallax adjustment knob here on the left. And the parallax can be set from 50 meters. All the way up to infinity the knob holds the position well but rotating it is also very convenient so the surface here the uneven surface allows.
You to get a fine grip the turrets so let’s start with the wind age turret which is a classic hunting turret covered with a cap. One click equals a quarter MOA which means. One click who’s the point of impact for approximately zero point seven centimeters on. One hundred meters clicks as. You can hear a crisp. They can also be very nicely felt the upper part of the turret is designed so. That the user gets a nice firm grip. That allows an easier rotation resetting it to zero is also simple. You can just pull and align the arrow with dot underneath. And there it is reset to zero. Now the turret is as.
You can see by the looking at. This arrow it is counter clockwise meaning. That rotating the wind age turn counterclockwise will move the point of impact to the right. Now like the 416 by 44 model from the same series from the compass before the 6 to 24 by 50 model also comes with a ballistic turret. They called they call. This turned ballistics of the ASV but looking at. You can see it is not a typical ballistic turret. Where numbers mark specific distances. More tactical turret so talking about its features. It is a multi turn turret. It comes with a turn indicator underneath so there are. These lines which tell. You in which turn you are but the indicator is. You can see it’s not the best out there the lines are so close together. You really have to look close in order to see in which turn. One click the same as with the wind age turret equals 1/4. This is zero point seven centimeters on. One hundred meters one whole rotation equals 20m away. And the turn third allows three turns altogether so there is 60 Moas altogether.
This turtle house 60 mi way of movement. Now let’s talk a little bit about the illumination so the 6 to 24 by 50 is the only model in the series. That can be bought with. Or without illumination there are two radicals to choose from the ZB r 1. And z MOA 1 the model with the ZB r 1 radical comes without illumination with z MOA 1 the user can choose between the model with illumination. And without a Malay illumination the illumination costs 100 euros extra but. It is a welcome addition so let’s see here in the box yes so. This mall here is the. One with Z MOA one radical so. You can also get this model right. We have right here with illumination. Ihave here is without. It the model this small in particular with. That lacks illumination costs. It retails for 1200 euros.
And with elimination. It costs 100 euros it costs 100 1000 300 euros as regards mounting for now size does not offer. This rifle scope with a mounting rail underneath so for now there is only the only option available is mounting it with rings so. This is a — that size will change. This in the future and really hope to see. These rival scopes manufactured with a ZM VM rail underneath. It would be a great addition let’s talk about the scope of deliveries so. You get a rifle scope of course. You also get 10 years of warranty. This cover elastic cover for protection plastic covers for the protection of ocular. And the objective lens get a quick guide a Lance cleaning cloth.
You also get this exactly — with which. You can reset the ballistic. We could say tactical turret back to zero. Now we’ve reached the end of. This short view now it’s time to sum up. And point out the advantages. And disadvantages or with other words. What is great what could still be improved with the 6 to 24 by 50. And the whole series. All together so the great thing is. You get excise for a little bit above 1000 years. You get size rifle scope with size quality. This is definitely great. You get 10 years of warranty the same as with the other. More expensive rifle scopes which is also very welcome then. We also like the price performance ratio so. Though the rifle scope is no longer made in Europe but in Japan the optical quality makes up for the price of. This product so there the price performance ratio is very good. We move on to things. That could be improved is well for some people.
It might be a breaker. This riflescope is made in Japan. Though the optical quality seems equal but. Some hunters really strive to get a German made right. They would expect to get a German made rifle scope German size made rifle scope for a price above 1000 euros so. It might be a deal breaker for them then again the option the lack of choosing a model. That has a rail underneath is also a disadvantage. That could be change in the future. And also it would be better. This came with a actual BC elevation turret instead of the tactical turret. It would be easier to use for hunting and much. Easier to understand for hunters. These are the disadvantages in the advantages. Ipoint out the most important features of. This v4 6 to 24 by 50. You have any additional questions please leave a comment in the comment section below. Is an email you found the video useful we’ll be really happy.
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