Top 5
Cabela's Northern Flight® Canada-Goose Flag
Well it's November 6. We just got finished up our morning hunt here. Iwanted to go over. One of the most important products. We keep on all the time no matter. What type of field we're hunting for Canada geese. And that's a Cabala's northern flight Canada goose flag. Ibelieve that the goose flag is probably. One of the most important products. You can keep on all the time we've seen a lot of birds off in the distance turn. And come right into our spread. And birds that are working a little hard might just finish up with just a little extra movement using these flags. This flag is big enough to pull off birds in the distance it's made out flexible material to really get. That realistic movement into your spread so. This flag is a great addition to your hunting arsenal. And I'd recommend any waterfowl hunter who will be hunting Canada geese.
This fall it's called the Cabala's northern flight kind of the goose flag. You can check it out right here on Cabala's com.
White Rock Decoys Run-N-Gun Pack
Hard Core X-Flagger
Hard Core Rain Maker Goose Flag
Available: Canada Goose, Snow Goose.
Hi I'm Mike Galloway. And on today's hardcore gear guide we're gonna talk about the Rainmaker goose flight listen a long time ago. One of the guys I know to be. One of the master callers in our industry said call half as much flag twice as much take your call out. It in the bottom beer bag make sure you're flagging that's. You finish geese well let. Something I believe alright. Any movement whatsoever especially out. When they're way out there. You can catch their eye with. That movement they're gonna come give. You a look and as long as your decoys are set. And as long as you're setting it up right. They should finish strong there are a lot of goose Flags out there today but. Iwant to talk about hard course. What separates everybody else. All right a lot of the goose flags out there today. You grab the goose flag half-way through the morning they're starting to slip the top starting to turn. And it's just not doing what you need. It to do either from the wind. Or the pressure well. What we did is some research on how. They were making golf grips stay.
Where they're supposed to stay. What they do is they take their grips. They put some powder inside the grip. They also use double-sided masking tape. They slide that on the powder disappears the double-sided masking tape holds. It in place so you get a hold of our goose flag. You can flag you want. It is not gonna slip again that's the hardcore Rainmaker goose flag also comes in two snow goose flags as well thank you.
Greenhead Gear® Canada Goose Super Flag
Length: 30".
- Canada goose.
- Canada goose with Mossy Oak® Shadow Grass Blades® back (not shown).