Top 6
Lifetime Decoys® Coated-Cable Texas Rig with Carabiner
- 30" with 3-oz. bank sinkers
- 48" with 4-oz. bank sinkers
- 48" with 6-oz. mushroom sinkers
- 72" with 6-oz. mushroom sinkers
Blow down a gun rack hanging in the back class hey guys Matt Bratton here with lifetime decoys today we've learned a little demo on how our decoys. And made our decoy rigs are made. You know what they are basically. What we got here this is our four-foot version. You have you got your carabiner loop up here. Imean it's really simple the decoys sits on the warlike. You pick up at decoy. And it's right there. You don't gotta reach in the wall to get your hands wet. Nothing like another part of these rigs. Ireally like is the weight does not slide up. And down this weight sits here it's not sliding up. And down your steel cable at. You don't have to worry about. That rattling in your bag. Nothing like and the third thing is. These are hydro fresh crimps. These are hand crimps by pair of pliers. These don't wear and tear. These blasts and last thing is. We have a three-year warranty on our product. Imean within three years of. Something happens or a place. You know to a certain extent but. These decoy rigs are by far the best I've ever used.
Ihighly recommend y'all. It comes to being productive the beautiful thing about picking these decoys up. You grab this decoy flip. It on go on to the next. You know when it's ten degrees outside your hands don't have to get wet. That is a valuable thing when. It comes to duck hunting is your hands don't get wet. You know you're not cold.
Hard Core Strap Weights
Available: 4 oz., 6 oz., 8 oz.
Greenhead Gear® Universal Motion Stake
Rig'Em Right Mushroom Weights
Sizes: 6 oz., 8 oz., 12 oz.
Hard Core Decoy Cord Adjusters
Hard Core's Decoy Cord Adjusters slide up and down on the Wrap-Rite cord (not included) for easy on-the-water depth adjustments. Made of injection-molded, heavy-duty plastic for season after season of use. Per 12.Higdon Outdoors Nylon Non-Tangle Decoy Line
Available: 100 ft., 500 ft.