Top 13
Vortex® Crossfire® 10x50 Binoculars
Find the Vortex Optic that is right for you.
Trust your vision on the next hunt to Vortex Crossfire Binoculars. The quality roof prism optical system features fully multicoated anti-reflective lenses that present excellent light transmission and clarity for superb views. A wide field of view and enhanced depth of field ensure optimal subject acquisition. Twist-up eyecups, a smooth center-focus wheel and right-eye diopter put precise adjustments at your fingertips. Nitrogen gas-purged and O-ring sealed for fogproof, waterproof performance. Durable rubber armor with clean, sleek styling provides a secure, nonslip grip. Manufacturer's unlimited lifetime warranty.
Hi this is toby from oh outdoors and. We're just going to do a product review on the vortex crossfire binoculars all. Right started alright so what we got here is. The vortex crossfire 10 by 42 binoculars. They're a roof prism binocular fully. Cooked fully multi-coated lenses great. For low-light situations really a good. Binocular in the price point that there. You can get them for around 150 bucks and i mean for as much technology they. Have into these they that's a really good price they're fully waterproof fog. Proof they've got an armor coating all. The way around on rubber coating it's just great non-slip it's got a center. Focus wheel it's very smooth you can get. A tripod adapter which adapts right in. There that's that is separate though you have to buy that from vortex they have a. Unbelievable warranty vortex is got what. They call a vip warranty which means. Anything happens to them you can send. Then in get them repaired or replaced. Literally gonna dog can chew up the caps. You can drop them off a cliff you know pretty much anything and send them in they've got the you know the standard. Icup roll out which is nice i used up almost all the time. They got the flipped caps on the end which are nice i haven't lost him yet i. Used them last year and still got the i cup so it's nice when it's dusty. Or if it's raining in ocean anything like that you know they compare to. A few other binoculars out there but. They're not as bulky they're great for. Backpacking which is a lot of what i do they're a little bit lighter gonna say another pair that are similar in size i. Think they were let in about twenty-one. Point six ounces which is pretty good. For a ten by forty-two so all in all a great pair of binoculars. I would recommend highly recommend these. Binoculars thank you. Yeah i think you for tuning into our vortex crossfire tube binocular review. Check us out on facebook and Instagram or outdoors and give us a thumbs up and. Subscribe to our youtube channel thank you. You.
Vortex Viper® HD Binocular
Spot those hard-to-see bucks that bed in the shadows with Vortex's Viper HD Binoculars. High-density (HD) extra-low-dispersion glass lenses lend edge-to-edge clarity, so you can get a good look at every detail. Combined with antireflective XR™ coatings, these binoculars will let you see clearly in crucial low-light hours when game is most active. Also features super-wide field of view. Lightweight, compact design teams with the included GlassPak™ harness for comfortable, fatigue-free carry into the field. Plus, the GlassPak keeps them protected from the elements. Backed by Vortex VIP unlimited lifetime warranty.
How you folks doing jason here with bo. Junkie calm hey as I've told you guys in the past we're going to try to start doing a lot more field testing with the products that we're putting our name out on the line for and stuff like that you know we want to we want to cut through the crap in all reality of just the. Commercials and the hypes and stuff like that and really you know be able to put if we're going to stand behind something or if we're going to say that something works we want to know that we feel tested it as much as we possibly could before we bring you guys that information so you know just out doing some scouting today and i thought man what a perfect time to talk to you guys about vortex again now i know that I've done a review in the past on some of the. Other models that vortex has but today i. Just i really want to focus in on the viper series of vortex we've had a lot. Of requests and i mean a lot of requests to do the review on the vortex vipers. Especially the hd series which was i believe it was new for last year but um. So we finally did and i this review is. Going to be so hard because there is not one single thing i can find wrong with vortex number one and number two with. The viper series i am absolutely just I'm just. Overwhelmed with the quality that goes. Into such a small compact set of optics. You know first and foremost the hd is. You know stands for high density glass what does that mean to me and you i have no idea and i really don't care all i know is that it's crystal clear you know times like now in the spring you know. We're still we're still a ways away from things really taking off but there's a lot of greenery right now you know with the real mild winter that we had things. Came up early things are green and if you're out scouting you know one of. Those things is that wildlife and. Different things that you're looking for can get lost in that greenery that's out there and this hd series that vortex has on their. Line this high-density glass I'm telling you wildlife just pops out at you i mean it just it makes it so easy the you know the eye fatigue there. Is no eye fatigue when I'm using these things i have noticed that with some other optics that I've had and being. A guide as you guys know optics are the. Most important tool i have in my arsenal as a guy to be successful to get the clients on game my optics are key. They are absolutely crucial and i fatigue has always been huge for me and with the hd glass with the twist out. Comfortable eye cups you know i just keep i could go on and on about the features but I'm going to encourage you guys to go to vortexes website and you. Can compare every single model that they have as well as you can compare them to anything else you guys are interested in buying and i really encourage. You guys to put up you know to put a pair of them up on your eyeballs and look for the home for yourself they're just absolutely amazing a couple features that i want to cover with this for all the technical specs and all that other stuff all the although i guess you. Could say all the scientific you know data that goes into making these optics. What they are I'm going to let you guys do your own homework on that because you're not going to it really doesn't matter what i think as far as what kind of glass a user what kind of prisms and stuff like that that stuff is in here you're getting the. The Best quality you can get with vortex in this viper hd series now i. Have not had my hands on the razors, and we hope to hear in the near future but for right now I'm going to go over a. Couple of these features of the vipers and just talk to you about them now first and foremost you're going to see that i have these things connected to a tripod and vortex has a whole line. Of tripods, you guys i personally went with what's called the ridge view series and the reason why is that you know if I'm packing in and i got to go scout for four or five hours out of the entire day i can't take you know the camera. Tripod or i can't take something like that this thing is lightweight its compact it folds up you just you hardly. Even know it's in your pack now I'm not going to lie to you know it's there but it's not a cumbersome tripod like a lot of them are that i you know that is joust having this little thing has been. A blessing in disguise my binoculars mount right to it with the you know with vortexes tripod mount it's got a quick detach right here that makes this thing slick and easy and i can use my tripod or i can use my bottom my optics here. With my bino system and not have to even take the tripod attachment off so if I'm you know if I'm out scouting and I'm going to sit down for a little while and see what happens you know with a couple hours of daylight left i can just sit. Down relax and put these things in the tripod and just makes a life a lot easier so i would really you know i. Highly recommend this little tripod that they have it's just it's been awesome but um okay as far as the optics go I'm. Going to talk to you guys about two of. The features that i like the most out of the vortex viper series in the hd series. And first and foremost is the compact. Size this size of binoculars now i use. An 8 by 42 for pretty much everything whether I'm in nebraska garden whether I'm in ohio guiding or whether I'm deer hunting by myself i like the 8 by 42 the best i don't i. Don't need a 10 a 10 power i don't need. A 12 power you know if i was out west and i was going for mountain regions to mountain ridge that would be a little bit different but for 8 by 42 seem to. Fit pretty much all my needs that i have as a guide and as a bow hunter another feature that i really think is long overdue in the optics world and there might be some others out there is the diopter now for you guys that don't know this dieter is used for weather your. Right eye or left eye dominant and what it does is you set it to your dominant eye and then you use the barrel focus. Adjustment here the barrel ring to actually get your you know to focus in on whatever you're looking at one of the features that vortex has on their on. Their optics in their diameter is that this is a locking diopter so here's an. Example I'm at I'm at deer camp ramat. Turkey camp and i got guys coming in all the time to check out you know what is it that the guides using what optics do i have everybody grabs my binoculars and the first thing they do is they start fiddling with stuff to get it into focus whether I've got the things on my chest and I'm going for a day-long scout trip whatever it is this thing has a tendency to move especially when human hands touch it and there's nothing more frustrating then i grab my binoculars i head out in the truck and. I'm going to scout and i I'm coming through a field and there is a flock of turkeys or there is you know there's a. There's a big buck out there and i got a hurry-up stop on the brakes grab my binoculars and i want to see is that jakes is that you know is that a mature deer or is that a you know two year old we need to let walk what is it i grabbed my optics and all of a sudden everything's out of focus there's nothing more frustrating than that so this little feature here allows me to set it to me and then i can lock it in, so we can't get bumped it can't get moved somebody would have to actually physically pull it out and readjust it for themselves so that is a huge. Feature that i absolutely love and then the last feature that i probably didn't. Cover enough in my first and my first review of the optics is that vortex. Has the what they call a vip warranty this vip warranty is no questions asked. No circumstances if something happens to. The binoculars you just send them back you just call them you don't have to worry about registration forms you don't have to worry about whether you filled something out online it's nothing it's no questions asked warranty it is its just an unbelievable warranty and I'll tell you guys that there are a few companies in the outdoor industry that are going with these no questions asked transferable warranty stuff like that folks those are the companies we need to be supporting because number one they. Obviously believe in their product because they're standing behind it no matter what happens to it so that's huge. For me as a guide and for me as a deer hunter that i have something that i know if something happens to it all i had to do is contact them, and they're going to make it right so you know it just i know. That this is sounds more like a commercial for vortex but it's really not I've had these things for at least three months now probably more like two. Two and a half months and i have used these things in all conditions it's been snowing sideways and it's been 65. Degrees and beautiful I've never had a problem with fogging I've never had a problem with anything that these. Features say that they do it's just it's an absolutely awesome set of optics so if you guys are in the market for a new set of optics you know it's taxis and people are getting their refunds they're looking for something to spend their money on and you want to upgrade whatever you're using now I'm telling you go to vortex check them out get to your dealer put a set of these up to your eyeballs look through them and judge for yourself i guarantee you will not be disappointed so hey listen as always we appreciate your support here at bow follow me on twitter I'm always tweeting about what's coming up in the review world get over to the website become a boat junkie you know that puts you into that drawing for that brand-new custom knife that we got coming out and as always shoot. Straight hunt hard god bless, and we'll see you around the corner right here at bow junkie don. Wow i gotta beat feet no my screen dude. I got a little pose.
Nikon Aculon 10-22x50 Binoculars
Nikon's Aculon 10-22x50 Binoculars combine ultraclear multicoated lenses with a full rubber-armor coating for worry-free reliability. Turn-and slide rubber eyecups precisely position your eyes for optimized viewing over long periods of time without eye strain. Aspherical, multicoated eco-glass lenses provide a flat field of view, enhanced brightness and amazing edge-to-edge clarity. Aculon's central focusing dial is easy to reach and quick to adjust. Lightweight construction sports an ergonomic design that's comfortable to hold.
Nikon 10x30 MONARCH 7 Binoculars
Boasting premium extra-low dispersion (ED) glass and dielectric, high-reflective multilayer prism coating, the Nikon MONARCH 7 10x30 Binoculars delivers bright colors, an enhanced field of view and drastically improved low-light performance. Phase-correction-coated roof prisms for high resolution. Lenses are nitrogen-purged and O-ring sealed for waterproof, fogproof reliability. Long eye relief and multiclick, turn-and-slide rubber eyecups for eyeglass wears. Ergonomic, compact ATB body with durable, rubber-armored coating for a secure, nonslip grip.
How's everybody doing today we have the nikon monarch hg an amazing. Product i know i say that a lot but i truly mean it this one has won awards we'll get into. That here in a little bit we'll talk about a couple features with this thing this is a great product as i mentioned this is nikon monarch hg this is an. Amazing binocular the one that i have in my hands right here is the 10 by 42 the msrp is $9.99 95 this is also offered in. An 8 by 42 for nine 7995 this is the box. That it comes in it also comes with a little case so you can put the binocular and fits in there perfectly if you want to put it in there to put it in your pack or you can just leave them out floating freely like most people do than. I do as well also at the same time that. Does come with some of the eye caps i was blocking the sign back here so thank. You for moving that so again comes with some white caps to put on the protection well get into the great stuff so edie glasses in here essentially that is high definition for your eyes we all remember was like watching tv several years ago. Before hdtv came out this is hd for your. Eyes low-light conditions up to 92% more. Light transmittance into this binocular here it comes with field flattener lens. So it's going to get rid of in that chromatic aberration that you're going to be getting it's gonna be a wide field. Of view, it's gonna be about 362 fields of. View at a thousand yards so very. Crystal clear amazing products you look. Through these once and you won't ever want to look through another pair of binoculars again 10 by 42 offered. An 8 by 42 covered by no constant nikon. Snow fault warranty policy so again that is the best warranty policy out there that you. Never need to use you know it's not one of those policies that gets often used you never hear about it because the product doesn't break which is more important than a solid warranty process. But again this is covered by nikon it's no-fault warranty so you can turn it in. At your fault somebody else's fault turn it in nikon will repair or replace it very lightweight magnesium alloy body so. It's going to be about 24 25 ounces for. The 10 by 40 to about 23 to 24 ounces. For the 8 by 42 binocular so very lightweight very compact compatible you have your long consistent eye relief if you're wearing glasses very easy all of us that have used binoculars before you know you just twist your eye caps back here for your eye relief if you have glasses or not this does have a locking. Diopter that you can see here so you can set it to your personal settings and it will lock in place once you push it down you cannot twist it so you lift it up twist it a couple times to get your focus right lock it down and then it won't move around so it is set in place they're very easy to operate maneuverable everything is very smooth. And fluid the award that we've talked about a little bit it was awarded filming streams best of the test for. 2017 the award is back here you also see it on the website nikon sport optics comm and if you do have your copy then. You've read about how they tested it they torture test at all the binoculars froze them pull them out use them while. They were frozen use them in low-light conditions they also use them you know. Very bright conditions as well and so these one Nikon are excuse me one. Filled the streams best of the test amazing part of this is not just the quality but the price that i mentioned earlier 999 95 you know this binocular. Right here was competing against optics. That were over two thousand dollars and this was awarded ness of the test so an. Amazing product nikon did it right with the nikon monarch hd again that's why they call the most advanced nikon ever or excuse me the most advanced monarch ever is nikon monarch hd make sure you. Check out the link below to go to filled. In streams and read about the review and how they tested the optics and then as well. Go to nikon sport optics comm to read. More about the products to get all the specs about there and then do yourself a favor go out get one of these whether you're hiking or birding or hunting keep. One in your truck if you're driving through national parks state parks this. Is an amazing pair of binoculars and i think everybody should have make sure you give this a look head in and get one today. You.
Nikon MONARCH 7 10x42 Binoculars
Boasting premium extra-low dispersion (ED) glass and dielectric, high-reflective multilayer prism coating, the Nikon MONARCH 7 10x42 Binoculars delivers bright colors, an enhanced field of view and drastically improved low-light performance. Phase-correction-coated roof prisms for high resolution. Lenses are nitrogen-purged and O-ring sealed for waterproof, fogproof reliability. Long eye relief and multiclick, turn-and-slide rubber eyecups for eyeglass wears. Ergonomic, compact ATB body with durable, rubber-armored coating for a secure, nonslip grip.
Hey guys it's harley wood just got back. From a montana elk hunt and before the hunt i showed some of the gear that i was going to take with me i had some guys asking me about the binoculars in particular the nikon monarch sevens so. I'm gonna go over those a little bit today just a real quick video these Bushnell's are the ones that I've had for years probably eight or nine years and a couple things i don't like about them one is these old-style eye relief caps here they flip you can see. This one's completely missing i lost it don't even know where it is this one's you know on its last leg these new icons. Have a really cool way of doing that. Look twist for more eye relief if you're. Wearing glasses you can scale them back out they also have so you would get your. Focus with this ring here with your left. Eye and then on your right eye let me turn around so on your right eye you would actually use this to fine-tune your right eye now they also have integrated lens protection one of the. Things that i really liked about these was the ability to change my focal depth. With those Bushnell's i didn't have this dial on there were i could pull the focus out or push it in and the benefit of this is let's say. You're looking at a deer through the woods if you pull your focus sometimes back it reveals branches and things that are in between you and the target you know the subject matter and can. Probably help you to avoid taking a very bad shot I'm gonna roll in some footage right here so you can kind of see that you'll see that I'm focused out on something and as i pull the zoom back you can see that it reveals things that you could not previously see so very. Beneficial loved these rings there. They're adjustable in different increments so very innovative they're these are completely waterproof depending on where you get them they're probably going to be in the $600 or $700 range somewhere around there I'll post a link in the description below I'm gonna do some searching try to find you the best price at the time of filming this video if you find them somewhere cheaper by all means hit me up tell me in the video and I'll change the link so that's it guys the nikon monarch 7s had a. Couple guys asking me about it so hope that answers your questions if not hit me up in the comments thanks for watching if you like this video please hit that subscribe button lots more videos to come, and we'll see on the next one.
Vortex Vulture HD 15x56 Binoculars
Vortex Vulture HD Binoculars transmit an incredible amount of light, so you can spot your prey in the low-light conditions of dawn and dusk when animals are most active. Proprietary XR anti-reflective coating, fully multi coated on all air-to-glass lens surfaces, increases light transmission for maximum brightness. Dielectric prism coatings provide extremely clear, color-accurate images. HD-lens elements deliver high resolution and color fidelity. Rubber armor provides a nonslip grip and external protection. ArmorTek™ coating is ultrahard and scratch-resistant, protecting exterior lenses from scratches, oil and dirt. Center diopter adjusts to match your eye and is located on the center focus knob. Center focus wheel adjusts the focus of both barrels at the same time. Twist eyecups are comfortable with or without eyeglasses. Roof prisms are durable and compact. Tripod adaptable. Waterproof and fogproof. Includes a rain guard, tethered neck strap, padded carry case and tethered objective lens covers. Imported.
Trophy hunting requires a lot of time. Dedication and most importantly. Top-quality glass when you're looking for a trophy at over two miles away and. Looking into every nook and cranny you're gonna need the best glass money. Can buy and the vortex 25565 abs are. Just the answer 10 power binoculars just. Aren't enough to really glass well at longer distances and a spotting scope becomes very fatiguing on your one eye over time there are a few manufacturers. Who have put out some 15 powered binoculars which definitely improve your ability to glass at longer ranges and vortex is one of those companies the. Kaibab ht 15 by 56 by nose have been out. For several years now and have helped many trophy hunters turn up that trophy of a lifetime new for 2014 is the kaibab. Hd twenty by fifty-six binoculars and that additional firepower makes a huge difference when you're looking at really long distances which is very common for. Trophy owners these binoculars are built. On the same chassis as a 15 by 56 kaibab. That have proven themselves time and time again we got our first look at the. Prototype while hunting odd as in west texas in 2013 where they were being. Field tested the difference between the 15s and the 20s during our morning glaston sessions was a difference between determining if a sheep was a ram or you even with the out the use of a. Spotting scope we were glassing at over 2 miles away and it was obvious that these high-powered optics would be a much-needed asset and our glassing arsenal the sportsmen news team has had this. Pair of kaibab 20 by 56 in our arsenal since january 2014 so we've used them in our winter range scouting shed hunting early 2014 season. Stuff and preparing for the 2014. Big-game season they've proven to be one of the most valuable piece of glass we've ever had in our arsenal this roof. Prism binocular provides for a relatively compact binocular considering that they are such high-power they're equipped with premium hd high-density extra low dispersion glass which provides extremely good resolution and color fidelity even in low light the dialectic prison coating is a multi-layer prism coating which makes for a bright and color accurate image the xr+ multi. Coating provides a high level of light transmission the armored tech coating on. The exterior lenses make for an ultra hard scratch resistant coating which protects extremely well against scratches they come with the center focus adjustment knob which is very large and very easy to adjust even with gloves on the locking dr. is on the right barrel of the binocular and once adjusted locks into a place to assure quality focus each and every time the roll-up eye cups have several set stops make it very simple to get both eyes set. With the appropriate eye relief even with little or no light to work with the eyeglass whirls will usually get the best eye relief in the totally down position you know i personally recommend. Using the roll-up eye cups in the completely down position even if you're not an eyeglass wearer it provides you. The greatest field of view although it may take a little bit of getting used to it will make you a better glass or because of it because the binoculars are. Such high power it is highly recommended they are used with a tripod vortex includes a tripod adapter with each binocular so this isn't an additional charge the quick-release set up on the tripod adapter is probably one of the most convenient I've ever worked with you can mount the base plate for your tripod under your quick-release and attach the mounting bracket onto the by nose this allows you to leave the quick-release attached to your tripod and your glasses around your neck or in your pack set up your tripod and just. Place the by nose onto the tripod because of design of the quick-release for those of your guide types I'd like to attach the bi'ness to the tripod and just carry them over your shoulder you can screw the tripod adapter direct to the mounting bracket which gives you an extremely rigid mount capable of just about anything you know not everybody's. A trophy hunter like we are here at sportsman's news a lot of people just like to observe the birds and the animals in their own natural habitat regardless of your desires for these. Binoculars you'll enjoy the great color fidelity and edge to edge clarity they provide for such a high-powered set of binoculars suggested retail and these. Binoculars are 1699 but you'll find them. Much cheaper than at sportsman's warehouse and with all vortex optics. They're covered by their unconditional vip warranty which we feel is truly the. Best warranty in the business stop by your local sportsman's warehouse and check out the vortex 20 by 56 chi. Babs for yourself or pick up a pair. Online at sportsman's warehouse calm.
Vortex® Kaibab® HD Binoculars
This is the kaibab hd with stunning. Resolution and incredible power the kaibab hd binoculars are the required tool to locate trophy animals at extreme. Distances the hd optical system designed. With premium components provides long-range clarity to pick apart the landscape a xr plus anti-reflective. Coatings applied with plasma tec deliver exceptional light transmission giant 56. Millimeter objective lenses gather enormous amounts of light for effective blasting at critical hours of the day the focus wheel operates with slow fine. Focus control for smooth and precise image acquisition and the included vortex unit after conveniently connects. To a tripod for extended and rock steady viewing at long distances non-slip. Rubber armor enhances durability in rugged environments and argon purging with tight oaring seals guarantee fog. Proof and waterproof performance in challenging weather conditions ultra hard armored tech protects exterior glass from scratches oil and dirt in the. Pursuit of big-game the kaibab hd takes. Power and performance to the extreme and it's covered for life by the vortex vip warranty. You.
Leica Geovid R Rangefinding 15x56 Binoculars
Welcome back to team our gear or. Actually welcome back to team wilds. Unboxing of incredibly cool gear now. Behind me you can see my Terkel rx helix. Superbest straight-pull rifle in 3006. Whirring it's like a magnus 1.5 to 10 by. 42 hooba scope now this is the gear I'm. Taking with me wild boar driven wild boar hunting in the czech republic but. Seeing as i was using a leica scope i thought well i might as well use like a. Bi nose so the guys at your gun sent me this like is g over 10 by 42. Range-finding by nose now i love. Range-finding by nose hey because i don't have to take a separate rangefinder and be it's just easier and more intuitive to look through your by. Nose ranging targets either the target your shooter or a bush or extra cover. You can help tactically me under your way towards a quarry, and they come in an. Incredibly shiny silver box so it must. Be good right let's have a look inside. Okay so as you can expect very pretty. Packaging as a train here that has. Instruction manual in 78 different. Languages what i like to see is this. It's a quality control certificate that was made out by a human not by a robot. The warranty card looks like some kind. Of feedback from the objective lens caps. Really useful save yourself a lot. Of wiping lenses small battery Duracell battery for the. Range-finding unit eyepiece covers and. Then the obligatory like an extra hour. Chances are i won't be using this i like to use my bio harness or my man bra as. Its otherwise known and then here this. Is where they keep the good stuff so. Putting the shiny box aside this is a. Nice case so have a look at it now because the chances of you ever seeing this again are very slim i just don't use my case let's open it up and. Here we have wow now one of the most. Stylish lee built optical instruments i think I've ever seen now like it do my cameras they are. Famous for making stylish and sophisticated looking camera equipment and these buy notes here i think for that same sort of plan now immediately. I'm thinking yeah they look nice but do. They fit on my hands and i would say I'm. Pretty used to using now let me get my voice by nose to give you a comparison now these are my zeiss 10 my 45s these. Are the things I've lived with in the bush for about three years now super rock-solid of throwing them in places i shouldn't have done really dropped them crawled in them dented them. And they still work absolutely perfectly so with the eyepieces fully extended. That's roughly what we play with now as. You can see these look more stylish for. Then a lot more angular so they're as. You like for like a zeiss 10 by 45. 10 by 42 so they're not too dissimilar. The like is way in at 950 grams they. Just under a kilo the zeiss 995 there's. Ice has finger grooves here and a more. Intuitive button placement i would say when my hands go but what i love about. The leica ones this button here is long and there is only one the amount of times I've played on the right-hand side with my zeiss and those chains and menu settings and it's very annoying but this button does fit in the right place so turning them. Around we can see the underneath here you can set different focal lengths for. Your eyes you can adjust those and it's very clearly easy to see which the red on the right and then the white on the. Left now these are in sets. These are justice so it's highly unlikely that you're going to accidentally knock them when you're. Using the mouse in the field a couple of little fun grieves there if you open the right up you should just be able to see in there that's what the housing where. The battery goes just don't do that probably do it my thumb to start with and then slot the battery in now the. Extendable eyepieces here are actually. Really nice they zoom straight out they've got kind of indexing one two. Three two you know three different settings depending on your eye relief. But once again a thoroughly attractive. As well as functional packet now who's. To know how these perform okay let you know in a couple of weeks times so there. We have it the locate g ovid 10 by 40 to. S they look very stylish there's a couple of other exciting bits to them or. Features that you might be interested in firstly they'll work down to minus 25 that sounds pretty cobras. Minus 14 bc last year and i was glad. That the equipment i had had been tested to those sorts of conditions now i don't think I'm minus 25 as a limitation on the product itself i think it's probably more likely to be the battery because it minus 25 a lot of batteries do freezer it's also waterproof down to five meters now. Clearly we're not going to be using underwater unless I'm really unlucky and lose my footing but that means that it. Will withstand the weight and the pressure of water on the joints so you're not going to get water ingress into the mechanism or into the rangefinder so that's another really. Important factor not just water resistant but totally waterproof so. Compact stylish lightweight pack full of. Features and the Ecuador coating on the. Lenses to keep those clean dust free and. Hopefully free of water so they're going. With me now along with the magnus and all say the merkel, and we'll let you know in a couple weeks time exactly how we got on see you then. Subscribe to team wild tv for the best berman busting hunting gear bow hunting and air gunning videos on youtube.
Nikon Trailblazer Compact 8x25 Binoculars
Take the Nikon Trailblazer Compact Binoculars on your next outdoor adventure over rugged terrain. Rubber-armored body withstands trail hazards while waterproof and fogproof lenses perform even in moist conditions. Turn-and-slide eyecups accommodate eyeglass wearers. Dual-hinge design folds up tight for convenient carrying and storage. Central focus knob for quick viewing.
Hi i'm steve ledin with opticsplanet if. You're looking for an economically priced high-quality multi-coated binocular nikon's trailblazer. All-terrain binocular may be just what you need these 8 5:42 or 10 by 50. Binoculars are waterproof fog proof and feature an ultra slim ultra rugged body. With over 19 millimeters of eye relief. For comfortable use with or without glasses prices are in the mid $100 range. There are also eight by twenty five in. Ten by twenty five compact models available of course all models are. Covered by nikon's 25-year no-fault warranty these nikon trail blazers represent one. Of the best values in a high-quality binocular on the market today.
Vanguard Orros 8x25 Compact Binoculars
Leupold® BX-5 Santiam 15x56 Binoculars
Previously we showed you the new bx5 san. Tm hd binoculars from loopholed in 15 by. 56 millimeter these amazing by nose. Provides superb optical performance but might be a little bit bigger than the average outdoors man or woman wants to carry in the field fortunately loophole also offers the san tm hd by nose and an 8 by 42 a 10 by 40. To a 10 by 50 and a 12 by 50 our test. Model is a 10 magnification and having used these on a doe hunt at first light i can attest to their super power to see in very minimal light at ten minutes. Before legal shooting light i could make out trees and bushes easily and at one minute after it was legal to shoot they showed me a deer at 100 yards as clearly as if it were early evening when i. Brought up my rifle scope not a loophole i couldn't even see the deer in the scope it was another 10 minutes of sunrise before the deer was visible in my rifle scope the santiam is named for a hunting. Unit on the western slope of Oregon's cascade mountains and is ideal for use. In deep and dark our boreal forests where animals may be concealed and speckled light are completely in shadow using state-of-the-art high-definition. Lead-free glass with face coating multi-coated lenses with bak for open. Bridge roof prisms with their twilight max hd light management system and. Extended twilight lens system the santiam binoculars have exceptional. Low-light gathering capability which in the case of my deer hunt was literally night and day diamond coat to protect. Your lenses from scratching muck dust and moisture and a proprietary nitrogen. Fill process keeps out any nastiness that might get inside or a thermal shock that may create condensation and include your view available in either shadow. Gray or sitka sub alpine camo pattern the. Rubberized housing not only protects your by knows from dings and bumps but gives you an ergonomic sure grip without fatiguing your hands twist up i-cubs. Provides you an ample depth of view and adjust for those wearing glasses a smooth center focus dial is easy to. Adjust with a single finger they can be. Handheld or use the center tripod adapter for glassing over longer periods so these by nose are excellent for both. Hiking long distances or glassing from a stationary position the bx5 san tm hd. Binoculars provide everything you would expect from their premium german counterparts at half the price but if. Anything should ever go wrong with them they come with a loophole full lifetime guarantee which means they will be repaired or replaced without question no. Matter if you sell them or give them away but based on our testing i can. Assure you that you will own these binoculars for a very long time check. Out the entire line of loopholes bx5 santiam hd binoculars at your local. Sportsmen warehouse store.
Steiner Tactical 10x28 Compact Binoculars
Bushnell® Nitro Binoculars
on them for a living one of the coolest things about being in Africa for a month is you really get to put products to its test and one of the things we've been testing this time in Africa is the new binoculars from Bushnell the Nitro