Top 10
Nikon BLACK FORCE1000 Riflescope
Nikon's BLACK FORCE1000 Riflescope delivers incredibly fast targeting speed and superior accuracy for your AR/MSR platform. Use it for both-eyes-open engagement and for precise aiming at extended ranges. Speedforce illuminated reticle is etched into the glass and located in the second focal plane. Its versatile double-horseshoe design draws your eye to the center of the viewing field, ensuring faster targeting. Side-mounted illumination control delivers 10 intensity settings, so you can match virtually any lighting condition. Multiple layers of anti-reflective coating on all air-to-glass surfaces maximize brightness and contrast. All lenses are lead- and arsenic-free. Also features 1X magnification, 4X zoom, generous eye relief and quick-focus eyepiece. Spring-loaded instant-zero-reset turrets provide precise corrections while zeroing every time. Capped windage and elevation turrets. Aircraft-grade 6061-T6 aluminum-alloy 30mm tube sports a Type-III hard-anodized finish for lasting durability. O-ring sealed and nitrogen-purged for waterproof and fogproof performance. Shockproof. Backed by Nikon's No Fault Policy.
You do everybody today we're gonna be taking a look at an amazing product. That Nikon has for 2017. What I have here are an icons new black force 1000 scope here's the packaging for the scope. We have right here like. Any other product it comes with a manual here so it's gonna have. All the specs and information. You need on the optic right in here I'll set. That aside cuz we won't be talking about the manual we'll be talking about the scope first thing before. We go into the video the bolt is back. We did check there is. Nothing in the chamber safety first. You always want to check. That so we'll jump into the scope. It is designed for that three gun style of shooter. That wants to come up on quick. Iget on target quickly. And of course close distance. One fifty a hundred yards out there. And a little bit further beyond. That as well this scope is very clear. It comes with all of Nikon's amazing crystal clear glass. You get with all of my cons optics. This is a second focal plane scope meaning. That the reticle does not change. You increase your magnification. And again one thing. That Nikon did with the new black scopes. They kind of wanted to make. It a family it is a 30 millimeter main body tube with the 24 millimeter objective lens.
It does come with consistent eye relief. That way if you're shooting with glasses. Or depending on the distance of your face. And comparison to the scope. One two four magnification so. You can see here just simple a. Few suggesting it and then for it's designed to be a true 1x shooting. That way you can shoot with. Both eyes open you want it's. You were on its lowest power for the. One magnification so shoot with. Both eyes open you want for longer distance crank. It up to four there is an accessory. You can order separately from the scope which is a switch view. That just mounts up here on top of the magnification. It sticks up about quarter of an inch crank. It over it's a lot easier to adjust so. That way you're not fondling out here with. This twisting your magnification. You can describe it cranks. It over so that is an accessory the MSRP for.
That is 5995 as I mentioned a. One to four it does come with a speed force reticle which is a new reticle. That Nikon has which is a double horseshoe reticle with half click MOA notches inside the reticle we'll talk about the mount real quick. This is Nikon's black cantilever mount. It does come in two different variations the. You see here and then also does come. One with 20 Moas built into. And then the packaging for the scope is gonna look. Something like this right here. You can see Nikon's black Ken Weaver Mountain as. Imentioned MSRP is. One thirty-nine ninety-five. It does come in 20 Moas built into. It does come with capped wind age. And elevation turrets which come in handy. If you're begging the rifle around tree as. You drop it in the mud. Iwill protect those turrets. You won't lose zero there we'll go ahead. And twist these off. It is a half click MOA is. What the turrets come in.
And then you can see. Both your wind age and your elevation here. And half MOA clicks. These turrets come with a spring load instant zero meaning while you're out at the range. And your zero and your rifle. And you're making your clicks. Once you're a zero let's say. It a hundred yards and you're zeroed you'll pick. It up twist it backdrop. It down to zero mark. That is your zero it does come with illumination. It comes with a 10 intensity setting so. All the way up to 10 very cool features about. This is the reticle will turn off after. One hour of non usage meaning if. You leave it on out. It in your gun safe. It will turn off that way. It will save the battery life for it. Another thing is instead of having to dial through from your lowest intensity to the highest there are off switches between. You can leave one click.
You are your one intensity level. One click your back to off click. It back here to 10 so. It just jumps very quickly like. That way you're not sitting like. Isaid to go through the battery pack is right here on the side of the illumination very easy to operate twists. What the compartment is going to look like the battery goes in there. It just sits in their very nice and easy pop. It in the battery as. It lasts for about four thousand usages so every time. You click that considers. You use so it will last. You a long time twist. It back on it goes back in nice and easy as. Imentioned MSRP for the scope is 399 95 which is a very competitive price for a scope of. This caliber with Nikon's crystal clear glass.
It is also backed by an eye constant no-fault warranty policy which is the best policy out there. You will probably never end up using it so. You won't be using it out in the field have enough to return. It has a great warranty on. It but you'll be waiting for it to come back with. This probably will never break but again in case. That is a deal-breaker for you Nikon does back their optics with Nikon's no fault warranty policy. It is also compatible with Nikon spot on precision app so. You can put in your gray. And your cartridge your. Whether it's five six two threes. Whatever you may be using for. That day go into the spot on app put in. All the numbers you need to have for. It will tell what your zero is going to be at for. That certain day so again night comes black force. One thousand one two four with the speed force reticle there's not much out there. That competes with this scope. This is an amazing piece of equipment. You want to have everybody should have.
One of my guns and my safe so again make sure. You go online Nikon sport optics calm. You can read about it there. You can find it at your closest retail store you.
Vortex® Diamondback® Tactical Riflescopes
Welcome to another installment from long range productions today. We will be doing a budget scope comparison. We have the intent originally to compare five budget-minded scopes with. Some excellent features directly against a Bushnell elite tactical 35 to 21 DMR scope which has over the years proven to track true. And be darn near bulletproof stay tuned to see the results And back to zero next scope up for testing is the Athlon Argos BTR in six to 24 by 50 with Milla justments the scope overall is quite nice with a lot of features. That usually find on much. More expensive optics such as reticle illumination. And being first focal plane MSRP is $445 with the street prices being closer to 330 at the time of filming the turrets on. This optic feel quite good overall but the magnification adjustment is very stiff. And somewhat of a painted turn the illumination also leaves. Something to be desired. Ilike the fact it has the ability to illuminate the reticle but the execution was poor at best with tons of light pollution spilling out of the crosshairs. All throughout the image on. All but the lowest of settings. Ialso want to mention. This optic does not have a true zero stop. You can add a makeshift zero stop. And Athlon will provide. You with the necessary shims free of charge which is a very nice bonus overall.
This optic but I do want to give a fair. And honest review the Cabala's covenant is a bit of the unknown in. This test at a $250 price point. Some great features including a really nice reticle. Some very excellent glass the glass clarity at least to my eye during these tests was on par with optics costing many times. Than the scope did one is the four to fourteen by forty-four millimeter model featuring a 30 millimeter main tube. And a reticle situated on the first focal plane the Turks feel good. If not a tad bit mushy the magnification ring moves freely with just enough tension to trust. It will only spend you want. It to no zero straw for illumination available.
It is only available in MOA but. It really does have the best optical clarity out of. Any of the budget scopes compared today. Iwould put the clarity on par with the Bushnell DMR. That is our baseline for this test yes. It really is that good so. One is MOA it's not Mills, so I'm gonna want to go up the next scope in the lineup is the all-new vortex Diamondback tactical FFP. One is in mils and like the name suggests. It is a first focal plane scope. One is for two sixteen by forty-four. And features exposed target turrets with a really excellent layout easy to read nice feel the turrets.
However to not lock. And there is no zero stop available the reticle is the EBR to see reticle which has proven itself to be an excellent reticle design over the years the turrets. And magnification ring have great tactile feedback. And the glass is quite good but the eye box at a full sixteen power does get awfully small. You have a good ergonomic setup on your rig there shouldn't be an issue but. It could catch some people out with a subpar setup the last cup in our lineup today is the Bushnell engage the engage is a newer line of optics from Bushnell. That incorporates some nice features for not a lot of money well. You can only get the engage in MOA. And second focal plane. It is still a very usable optic. One mounted on my very favorite hunting rifle Browning ex Bolton seven millimeter Remington Magnum the engaged scope is held up on.
This light rifle with a pretty stout loading in. This cartridge but 162 grain Hornady LDX moving along at three thousand. One hundred and seventy feet per second has. Nothing to sneeze at. And the engage handles. It well the deploy MOA reticle is a very usable reticle. Though in order to use. It as designed for range estimation. Or measuring you do have to be at a full sixteen power. This can be a hindrance in. Some situations the optics are very good. And the turrets are of a pull to unlock design. They have a good tactile feedback in the power ring is easy to adjust overall. Igive it good marks five minutes outs of. One two three all right. That we're back home. What does this tells. Ithink the most important thing. It tells us is don't go out. And shoot on a day as windy as. And expect to shoot from a platform without major shot disruptions.
That wind was actually physically blowing my truck around to the point. Iwas shooting off the tailgate. It was blowing it to the point. Whereas you can see from the groups down here. That gun is its accurate. And consistent enough. This should one ragged hole. It typically is I was laying down prone. It probably would have been but because of the wind conditions. That head-on wind it was hitting my truck broadside. It was moving the truck twists in the truck the suspension was moving around. And bouncing around. Icould not get a super steady shot just from the wind gusts so. You can see everything is kind of spread around. Idid get lucky a couple of times the bush. All engages were pretty close the Cabala's covenant was pretty close time back tactical had a little bit of spread on.
These are the three shots from the DMR the Bushnell DMR here's. Another Athlon down here so a lot of. This may not be scope tracking so scientifically. This doesn't give us a great data set but it's. Something interesting to look at so. Iwent through I did the math on. Everything and you can see. This was the aiming point on the target. Itried to get video of the bullet impacts but again. It was so windy it was pushing the camera around on the tripod really badly so from point of impact. Or from point of aim. This was the constant point of aim. Inever deviated from. That point of aim we can look up here the Diamondback tactical.
That was two point nine mils. Idialed three so two point nine that's pretty darn close the Athlon is as well as two point nine. One mils so both of those almost exact. You know exactly the same. Idid dial 329 two point nine. One so it's a tenth off. And again that could be the truck getting blown around here's the Bushnell engage. That shows up at ten point five Moas. That was 11 inches so. That is ten point five Moas. Idid dial ten so that's pretty darn close the DMR three point two six mils so 1/4 mil high from. What I dialed and then the Cabala's covenant. Idialed 15 total I ended up with fourteen point eight Moas so that's pretty darn close so again the room for error there is probably in the wind blown the gusts.
That so then let's see so the DMR was the first scope. That was again three point two six mils from point of impact. Or from point of aim to point of impact three point two six mils then. We went right that was. One point eight mils was the impact. And then we went left. That was two point five mils then. We shot the Athlon right here. That was two point nine. One mils I dialed three total. We went right that was two point three six mils right. And left one point eight seven five mils after. It was the Cabala's covenant. Idialed fifteen point. Or 15 mils or 15 MOA excuse. Iended up impacting fourteen point eight Moas so. Iactually wrote this out as mils but. That is the correct conversion for MOA so dialing right.
That came out at six point six nine MOA dialing left five point. One three Moas and then came back down. You can see impact number. One impact number two so. That actually worked out pretty well that's fairly consistent coming back to point of original point of aim from there. We did the Diamondback tactical. You can see this was shot placement number. This was the follow-up shot so Diamondback tactical. We dialed three mils. We ended up 29 mils in elevation dialed right Diamondback tactical was 18 mils right next to the DMR dialed left the Diamondback tactical is. One point five nine mils. And then back to complete zero. You can see the second impact right here right on the line so. That was actually fairly consistent again. When definitely played a factor their last. One was the Bushnell engage. Ibelieve this was shot number. One then we dialed up Bushnell engage ended up hitting at 105 Moas dialed right.
We ended up at 57 Moas. And then we dialed left at 43 Moas. And then back down you can see shot number. And then shot number two here. And then I dialed down 5 Moas. Iended up impacting almost 6 MOA lo so. This was shot number 3. That was the only that with so. This here is you know just basically with. That wind that shooting platform. What does that tell. You know it does show. That dialing back down to zero after cranking the turrets. All were fairly consistent so that's a good thing they were also fairly consistent with my shooting dialing up as. You can see they're. All kind of grouped here dialing left. And dialing right all fairly consistent so. Some of these shots were definitely thrown. Some of these shots were moved around from my shooting platform being moved by the wind but overall. Iwould say they were.
All good performers. Iwould trust any of them. Iwill definitely get back out. More testing and calmer conditions. And from a more stable shooting platform. Iwas shooting it's a little too dusty to be shooting from prone on the ground it's. All very fine silica type moon dust dirt. And shooting headlong into the wind is just a way to a good way to sandblast your teeth your rifle. And your optics, so I didn't want to do. That anyways this was informative to. You have any questions comments. Or concerns please feel free to put them down below in the comments. Iwill be than happy to answer them.
Vortex® Crossfire® II Riflescope
Hey guys what hug 71 here, so I've been searching around for scopes changing things up a little bit on my collection. Ijust got a new Ruger why do. Ialways mess I just got a new arc Pete our new good precision rim fire I'm very excited about. It I'll be putting a video up for it. And I'm kind of up in the air. Iactually want to put. This crossfire 2 in there. Ijust met um put this I'm not to sure about. Ireceived few days ago. And quite honestly um. Ihave been dying to open. This damn thing up I began to open. You know what let me just wait let. Me just do and make a video of. And share you guys the Ruger crossfire 2 has been around for a. Imean it's not it's not super new. You know I mean it's not super old it's not super new so it's been around a. Iordered one I'm very excited about. This is my official unboxing of my official buy. This is the 3 to 9 by 40 which. Ikind of thought I ordered a 4 to 12 hmm good point there bud but. You know what 3 to 9 by 40 I'm cool then I'm gonna put. This on there on the room for precision. Or rim fire there you have. And let's uh let's open. This up lets's see what you got ok so. It comes packaged on the side like. That's interesting oh no. Ipull the thing off full disclosure. Ioriginally began to open. Even remember this out of um but then. Ididn't take the rest of.
It apart so here this the way. It comes packaged let's take. These off right here it's very interesting I got. This from OpticsPlanet. It came from I love OpticsPlanet actually via Amazon. Though OpticsPlanet probably delivers faster. Anybody on the planet. You get them from Amazon. It delivers even faster. That so let's see he make sure. That I'm Senator for this camera here. We are take that off just like. And we'll slide it out alright so. It comes with the comes with a bikini lens protector settled bikini lens protectors right here I'm not a big fan of those. They kind of just like. You know like where do. You put them you take them off. You scope you know like. You do with them and then. This one here like this let's put. This back down right here. This is reading it upside down um to properly mount your rifle scope. Irecommend using an inch pound torque wrench do not exceed 18 inch pounds of torque alright so it's good to have a like a phat wrench. Something like when you're installing these.
And do not exceed according to manufacturer's specifications 18 pounds of torque. All right I'm not sure. This is the I ordered. It could be oh no this is the four to 12 by 44. How crazy is I am very oh no. It over here Oh 389 by 40 model shown. This is the 4 to 12 by 44. It no do it alright so here. We have crossfire for 212 crossfire 245 vortex for 212 by 44 alright we've already been that's written on. Both sides what else comes in here let's see. What else we got let's put. This down right here okay good. It is fully multi-coated with anti-reflective coatings for brighter views nitrogen gas purging with a rings yo ring seals libous fog proof waterproof performance shockproof construction which stands recoil. And impact single piece aircraft grade aluminum alloy construction. And it's got a one-inch tube alright with. That hard anodized matte finish long eye relief with forgiving eye box fast focus eyepiece finger adjustable. That he's a finger adjustable zero turrets so.
When he's come off their finger adjustable. And zero reset turrets we're gonna get to. And their MOA turn reticles. And it's got a 3x zoom range alright so comes with let's see. It has the dead I ordered the dead hole BDC reticle on. This alright so it comes with a little book. That explains the dead hold beat BDC reticle. How to use it which is really cool so that's pretty that's pretty good right there. It also comes with your instruction manual. Iwill be nurses that's right comes with the instruction manual. And the notices you have the illumination. Igotta be honest with. You um I've got illuminated scopes. Iuse them sometimes.
Most of the time I don't alright so. They have it explains. All about like that so that's pretty cool well uh we'll come back to uh we'll come back to. And explaining you know. How Howard it breaks. It down maybe not. Idon't know so it doesn't need a battery. Because it's not illuminated which is really cool. This is pretty cool check. This out so we'll take. We will put this like. And we'll open that off there. You go so how nice is. That okay what the heck is. That in their maybe. It was come upside down on. Idon't know alright can. You guys see that absolutely look at. That okay so here's your diameter right here which is kind of tight be honest with. You um I'll get to that sorry my dirty fingernails. Iwas working in the yard earlier um. We have four wow this is tight okay that's not listened up a little bit four to twelve magnification right there.
And let's take these caps off. One of the reasons I bought. Ithought maybe another scope. Iordered I can't remember that's. Something else I would wear. It comes with on the other side. It was my uh it was a hall a son. Ihad just stored in a red dot. Something like that that had the little indents on the caps which is a great idea a lot of companies are moving to. You can turn this but. This is a finger turn, so I'm not worried about. Ijust got thrown off. That little screw head right there. That little flat head screw head. One click is one quarter MOA which is um. And down one quarter obviously MOA right. And left it has a forty-four millimeter lens objective. And kind of lightweight.
Ithink it's like 18 ounces. Something like it feels very light I'm gonna I'm pretty excited about. What we'll do is we'll just we'll take a look through the do the scope. She looks looking at looking outside. What you're seeing here is my boggled up view of China take. This scope and hold. One hand and use the iPhone in the other hand but. You could see the white frame windows. All the way across the street at the house since prior around 65 70 yards away maybe 60 yards away maybe 60 yards at best. This is on 4x power for the scope. Iam 1 X Powell for my iPhone so. You see you'll see the difference in. Ifinally get him you know kind of settled. And I'm sorry I'm holding it with two different hands. Now before I went out there. Iset the diameter I adjusted the eye relief. Iset the diameter you kind of wouldn't know. Because I'm shaking all over the place but. Ireally really like the eye relief on.
This I'm very excited by. It on for power I didn't sue min. Ididn't have a third hand to zoom. Iwas doing it I was kind of messing it up enough. These are one quarter MOA so four at a hundred yards every click will move the reticle. Either to the left or right up. Or down 1/4 of an inch. They are audible and tactile they're very kind of make. More maybe it's just. Me with the way I'm turning it but. They kind of he could hear them. And it'll read you notice it'll read oh it's. One two three four fives. All the way up until seven. And then it'll go negative seven six five four three twos. One zero down there so. You have the negatives on. One side positives on the other. It does not work that way for your elevation. It just goes 1 through 14. All the way up to what you would be 0 again at 15. You could hear them as.
They move you can feel them just fine seeing. What vortex considers to be a low power scope ok there is no parallax setting. Either on the side or on the front so. It has a set parallax of 100 yards so just. You know one thing to remember so. If you're a person I like to set the parallax on my scopes especially. You know when you're looking downrange. And you're looking further. Then 100 yards but I'm gonna put. This on there our PR. That a lot better than saying Ruger precision rim fire man that's a mouthful I'm gonna wind up putting this on the our PR. Ihave a Nikon BDC on their right. Ijust threw on there to see. She shoots and we're gonna get into. That I'm gonna do the. Ijust literally got out like four. Or five days ago three four day three four days ago. Igot the are PR so. Iwant to show and share. That with you guys but it's got. That 30 millimeter rail. And the night hunt sits right on the front handrail um. Icould change the rings on. And bring it up a little bit.
Ihave low rings on there but. Ijust might put one on there. Idon't know I'm kind of planning like. It was the reason I purchased. Icould put the RP r on. Imean the Nikon on. Something else so my thoughts are. That it's really worth the money uh three to nine runs. You about $139 it Amazon. Ithink I'm paid around 169 179 for this. One right here oh it came through OpticsPlanet. Igot delivered within a. Few days I do not have Amazon Prime. It came with this really nice cloth right here which is very cool did not come with rings. These were some rings. Ibought I'm gonna try. These out I'm gonna do a review on these rings. Ihave right here I'm looking for rings. You can horizontally tighten up instead of going down vertically. And camped in your scope to the left of the right. All I'm very pleased with. It I'm very pleased with the way.
She looks, and we're gonna see obviously there's no doubt. That she's gonna handle find on an are PR. Imean maybe I should throw on. This is avoided sex crossfire it's but it's been proven already but. Iwant to prove myself. Iwant to prove for you guys give. Something new instead of looking at videos a tattoo three years old. Something that's right. Somebody who's out there right. And doing it nobody's reinventing the wheel on. This channel I just like to share. All the shit I buy man practice proper firearm safety techniques be good to. Another Charlie Mike Charlie.
Bushnell® Engage 1" Riflescopes
Cabela's Covenant 5 FFP Riflescope
Code ws 카브 네째 r&d; 거였어요 비브라토 스 트 업 스포 o vi 놀아야 되고 아이디어 wang 플스 2 준 쉬운 링 of ancient origin ok 슌 사이트 워크 싶어 같이 루프 파우 tree 펼치 원고를 외모 1주 아주 많습니다 아이 프레이 넘넘 은 암 쏠린 마음이 를 득 조화를 풀치 앞을 엔버 win 스러진 크리스마스도 이혼 오브 아르고 왜 나라도 초아 d7 티나 졸 와 flat. Or 아빠 오븐 스월 섹스틴 바이오. Once 토니 포말 3 2 마우스 ws 카본을 대할 뜨거워야 앞에 beer 포스퀘어 아빠 월 소아 준대요 1 와이프 tmp 웬지 옴의 arp 없다 와 5.
Vortex® Viper® PST™ Gen II FFP Riflescope
Quickly and accurately dial in your shots with Vortex's Viper PST Gen II FFP Riflescope and its matching (MRAD or MOA) turret and reticle measurements. First-focal-plane reticle maintains subtensions throughout the entire magnification range for accurate hold over at any power. Illuminated reticle with 10 intensity levels provides precise aiming under low-light conditions. Extra-low-dispersion (XD™) glass ensures superior resolution and color fidelity for crisp images, and they're fully multicoated with an XR™ lens coating for superior light transmission and optimum brightness. ArmorTek coating protects lenses against scratches, oil and dirt. Precision-glide erector system for smooth magnification changes under the harshest conditions. 30mm main tube is constructed of aircraft-grade aluminum with a low-glare hard anodized finish. O-ring sealed and argon-gas purged for water- and fogproof performance. Shockproof design withstands recoil and impact. Fast-focus eyepiece. Tactical turrets CRS Zero Stop. Includes CR-2032 battery, 2mm hex wrench, 3" sunshade and lens cloth. Backed by Vortex's VIP Unconditional Lifetime Warranty.
Hello guys Jordan again long time no see today. We are going to take a look at the gen — PST from vortex we've had. This for a little and we've got to. It sooner but what it is so. Some key differences. That you'll notice first off is. That the dials are much larger. And the illumination dial is integrated into the parallax adjustment so that's nice. It gets rid of the you know giant blob. That sits up here as. You can see on the genoise. This is a 4 to 16 that's the new 5 to 25 the key with the bigger wind age adjustments. And elevation adjustments is the old. One didn't get 12 minutes for rotation. And the new ones you get 24 yeah 25. Iguess technically minutes for rotation which is pretty handy. You don't have to sit there. And spin or three times around to. You know get to what you want. And then it's you know handy having the illumination dial not into the rear bells scope — it's just.
One less thing you have to actually look over around. You run your bubble level. Ilike to run mine on the front left-hand side of the scope. Because then you can crack your left eye open. When you're behind the gun without lifting your head up. And still see your level. Some other big differences. They there is a little bit better glass in. Iwill not say it is a make. You know it's not razored glass but. It is mostly better. Than the gen ones the. They did still stick with 30 millimeter tube which is a frustration of mine it's still in the 5 to 25 limits. Ithink 65 in the way of elevation which is only 5m away. Than the previous model so essentially you're going to run elevation. You know you get out there to range.
Iwas like you know the Burris XDR which Lance has here in the bunch -. That will get 90 minutes of elevation out of. This similar like 25. Or 26 X scope whatever. It is so and that's that's a 34 ml tube so that's really. That bigger tube comes into play it's also going to add a lot of weight which may be why you know vortex stuck with. This size but you know the PS TSR are not their flagship line it's. More of an economy line. What else do we have the other thing. That the Gen 2 PS 2 s PS incorporate are the razor 0 stops. They have the same zero stops as the razors the old gen ones use the shims. You stack underneath. And the new one has a secondary dial inside. You adjust and tighten up with set screws the same. We adjust the outside. Iam NOT method enough to really give it a full shot but. Ihad no complaints with. You know just turn them until. They tighten up and turn them back to zero.
Iwill say it's an improvement it's a slight improvement which is reflected on its price tag. Iwill say it a lot. More comparable to like the ex TR which the XP are still. More expensive but I will say the glass as close to the XT are. Some features as far as like. You know the dual dials on the left-hand side. More rotations for more MOA pro rotation is there but. Iwould say that the ex TR with a 34 millimeter tube is awesome just for the sheer fact. That I'm now running a 30mm away rail on. This to squeeze out to hopefully a mile but that'll be a later date with that's. All that's some of the biggest key differences between the scopes.
It is a noticeable difference. It is an awesome provement. You will see it immediately. You decide to pick one of these up does. It ships with these covers. These are defenders raised a defender cover like the best covers. You can get pretty scope ever yeah they're really nice they're the rubber back. And then not only do. They flip up, but they also lock down which like the butler creaks. Many have those is ability put three. Or four steps not we listen. You mostly be yeah they don't flip. All the way up and only time. It gets cool they just like the falling out push them. They stand out here. They will say they fit like crap on the gen ones so. You build a set for the gen ones. And they're loose they feel like. They want to come off.
Idon't seem like they push. All the way on these are much tighter like. Ican flip up they don't go anywhere on the Jen. One side like flip and the thing kind of wanted to walk a little bit of fitted issues. These are fantastic but. They don't they didn't come with. This you're saying no okay but highly recommended highly recommend yeah awesome. Iwill also say that I've had the d7 set a night for spring down here. Now I'm running the vortex pm our precision match rings. And they're they're a really nice ring I'm pretty impressed they're real beefy. You know they've got a two on. Each side and no complaints there. Iwould definitely you know save the money. And go out the side of these they're just nice as. Anything else I've ever used I've never.
Iwould say in between the two. You don't think it's quite as hot as quiet as so no. It is a little shorter. Then the tv9 yeah and it's aluminum so writing the loons not as dendrite okay so real quick give. Is a quick rundown on the bolt-gun. Iknow somebody's going to ask about the specs on. This guy this is a list our former thousand our project gun it's been kind of modified so quick run. Now for anybody who hasn't really seen. It yeah just a little bit of a repeat of the SUP originally started off as the 1000 yard. You know project is just a range of 700 a CSD. And three wait we did a couple upgrade stock things like. And just kind of like ran its course. Ithink pushed it about as far as.
We could decide upgrade the caliber to a six by three. More which is you're considering you know to do. Anything similar you know outside of. You know the cost the freeway. Idon't think there's. Any other reason to go a three-way. Even so the 65 Creed animal is pretty cheap. Now it's a the same action. They flew to the bolt did a m16 style extractor on to upgrade. That those 700 kind of struggle with the factory extractor. They did the bolt handle so it's got a threaded bolt handle. Now same Tim knee trigger. And then the barrel is a McGowan. Ican't remember the contour but it's a grant with Alliance said. That it's one of the thickest barrel. They use and honestly we've shot the crap out of. And not really noticed. Any stringing of any sorts. It doesn't get that hot Rheem shooting and suppressed today. And it's not really getting. That hot what I said eight fortieth muzzle.
And his 20 inches long. Iwill say everything. That aligns to that isn't fantastic. And having gone this route. II would be hesitant to buy ever buy. Another factory rifle to Goss with. You consider what the actual burial costs. What it costs have a good barrel fitted it's so worth the money colors Patriot Brown got in the flr element chassis I've been very happy with the chassis still it's the folder. And it's still locked lips extremely tight the Alliance also did a fitted break its. Even know what you want to call. It but it's fitted to the gun so. If there're no shins no. Anything it just index perfectly straight on does a fantastic job quad would blast a little bit of weight but overall not Boone Harris FBR m59 Harris low Ruby Rinna that's right pistol grip that's a cuff.
That comes with the chassis. And then you've got the 20 around the FES mags right. He won the other two ones. We grabbed from Brownell yeah. They come in at you can get in ten 20s right. They come in two five. They come I think did. You come in a five you know the ironic part about. These is uh there's my fans. Iam y'all see runner b5 in the custom breakers similarly yeah so here are curious so. Iwould definitely go. This route because felt recoil is similar lineup priced a little different but uh definitely go with the suppressor option.
Nikon MONARCH 3 Riflescope
Top-tier performance for tens of thousands of rounds – experience true optical excellence. Eye Box technology offers 4X zoom range, 4" of constant eye relief, a huge ocular lens, generous field of view and locking side-focus parallax adjustment for any distance (for models exceeding 10X). A BDC reticle allows hunters to hold on target at incredible distances, yet allow a normal sight picture at shorter ranges. The Ultra ClearCoat® Optical System gives maximum light transmission up to 95% – perfect for early and late hunting. Hand-turn 1/4-MOA reticle adjustments. Enhanced mount ring spacing lets you mount to virtually any rifle, regardless of caliber. Lifetime warranty. 1" main-tube construction.